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Authority in SG is like PB.

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Well, I was just thinking, and it came to my mind. Authority withing SG is like our Prison-Break server. I mean, the Admins and above are the CT's that make sure everything is in check, and the Hon's,Sup's,Reg's,Mem's, and Noobs are the T's who do their daily routine, get on, play whatever server, and support the fucking community, but when something goes wrong (Almost everyday something goes wrong. In this case Every Round) the T picks up a pistol or a grenade, which could be like Mic-Spam/Text/radio-Spam/ Nasty-Sprays (warning procedures). The CT (admin) asks that T to drop the pistol or throw the nade somewhere away from them (asks them to stop or change sprays). But when the T picks up a primary, he is shot, almost immediatly, this could be like: Disrespecting Admin/ HAX / Racism. The CT's do their job and Dispose of the bastard quickly, where the T (Ban-ee) goes and whines the next round (goes and whines in the Appeals or Admin Complaints) and is usually [Rejected].


Now then the CT's also do wrong. Freekilling (banning (an) innocent(s)) will result in a T telling the CT what he did wrong, CT (admin) denys, and is punished by the undercover Higher up on the T team actually went behind the CT and Slice Sliced his back. Which in this case, an AO or someone was reviewing the thread and [Punished] the bastard.


Whenever the CT's say NO VENTS/ARMORY/PAST FIRST CELL/IN FIRST CELL/SHOWERS. Then those are the green messages that appear that most people ignore. Racism of any kind will not be tolerated. (like saying NO FIRST CELL) T does it anyway, Killed(BANNED).


If you have any further question about how the SteamGamer community's Authority towards other players is related to Prison Break, post in this thread with your question. Opperators are standing by.

Edited by Runski
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A while back someone referred to it as being in school with the admins being teachers and regulars/hons/mems being the school kids. Bans we're like detention etc. Made me lol

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