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What would you do if a massive zombie outbreak took place?

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Plan A: Grab supplies + food + people i don't feel like killing and go to a secure building

Plan B: Run until i can't run anymore, and then use a car.


Side Mission: Nuke Raven's house (Most of you seem to be herding there so its a good way to get rid of most of the crazies in one go).


Plan C: If all out fails, kill everything


ok plan a good but what do you do when zombies infiltrate the fort ? you gotta kill em you always needs guns


plan b your fucked no matter what running dont fix anything killin works


sidemission is just childish and wasteful


plan c amen split an atom that will fix all

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Plan A: I'd proceed to Mercy Hospital for evacuation.


Plan B: Make my way to Riverside for a waterfront rescue.


Plan C: Working plane, working ariport, I say we head there.


Plan D: Make my way to the military holdout up the traintracks.


Mandatory Side-Mission: Nuke the ashes of Raven's house, because apparently everyone is doing it.


But seriously, family + close friends, load 'em into a van and drive until I get to a grocery store. From there load all the food I can into the van and maybe steal someone else's just to hold food and have a friend drive it. Steal someones boat and wait in the middle of the Atlantic.

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1. Grab my benelli, strap on my two bandoleers with buckshot, dump the rest of the 12ga ammo boxes into my backpack. Pick up my landlord with is m4/usp.45 and copious amounts of ammo.


2. Drive out to the Izaak Walton league range which is about 20 miles north where we go shooting which would surely be full of other gun enthusiasts.


3. Drink beer and kill zombies.




Another Plan.


1. Grab all my ammo, grab my landlord.


2. Get to Ibbz

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N000 then I will also die. Becuase I was in RAvens house :[

Raven's house was nuked when i left him behind. Sorry.








Alright, Raven. It's me and you. Don't get infected! Who knows what nemesis you will become...

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a: heres my plan go back to where i was born aka russia on a big ass mountail side farm if zombie make it past the winter then thats cool


b: i will be sarrounded by 50 anti aircraft machine guns from ww2 which my grandpa uses to fish if the zombies make it past the mine field and his family and mine which is pretty impossible hell his dogs alone can take down a fully russian bear


3: just chill it out there till all of em are dead and BBQ some zombie heads make make a bong out of one or two hell if we need ammo he will just raido it in

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What would you do if a massive zombie outbreak took place? Well if anyone was around me I would trip them so I could get away then probably hold up somewhere with a gun :O lol

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Guest Vivian556
What would you do if a massive zombie outbreak took place? Well if anyone was around me I would trip them so I could get away then probably hold up somewhere with a gun :O lol


You bitch! jk

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