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Real zombie apocalypse question:

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If a real zombie apocalypse were to occur, would you want to be the alpha zombie (the one who started it) or be one of the last ones alive, assuming you were going to die anyways.


On one hand if you start it you get blamed, but ultimately you just beat everyone because you started the zombie team and everyone became one after you. Plus you don't have to hide in dark closets with shotguns and sketchy friends for a long time freaking out about when they are going to find you.


On the other hand, shooting zombies in the face would be fun, although maybe not in real life when your life depends on it. Plus you can say you made it farther than almost everyone else.


So what would you guys want and what's the reason behind it?

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One of the last humans as I would prefer to have the chance to either fight and live, or fight until my last bullet and eat it. Also, I have a wife, and by that point I may have kids, so my first choice would be to fight and live on, my whole family intact.

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Depends who im with, but I would most likely want to be a human in a nicely barricaded store such as Sams Club (has alot of stuff), So i would have fun before I die


oh yeah it also depends on what the zombies are like if there slow and walk like retards no big deal, but if there fast as hell and are strong well then I would be screwed

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While I would want to try to fight and beat them and protect those I love, I think the fear, and stress of knowing there are billions of zombies out there ready to get me, and knowing the fact that if one of my teammates gets edged I'm screwed, makes me say that it would be a lot more peaceful and easy just to start it off :p

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me and my friends actually talked about this once lol.. got a plan and everything! we find guns, ammo etc.. and put a big tent up on his roof and then hide it out up there assuming nobody dies before that :d

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