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hmmm team of 6 would be CJ, blargh cuz shes good at escaping to islands, bad dog cuz i could sacrifice him if need be, virus, skitzo and awacs.


guns: p90 or something like a tmp, forget the name but its the 5th pistol that ct's can choose, lots of bullets per clip, less recoil means hands dont hurt as much.


melee: either a metal baseball bat or a machete


backpack: those little meals in the brown bags that cadets have, its like a full course meal in a small 5 inch by like 3 inch bag and only weigh like 200grams, flashlight, duct tape, map, ammo, thing that can desalinate salt water, water


Starting place: I'd be holed up in something like a very narrow but tall apartment complex, block the bottom couple levels with furniture and shit so zombies cant get up and keep the elevators off and at the top.


vehicle: something alot like a armored bank car, or something from that dawn of the dead movie forget what it was called and a shit ton of gas


first off we would try to get in contact with Hawaii to make sure they are still there, no point in going if theyre all dead.


we would head north across the Canadian border, and work our way to the western coast, stopping in places to refuel and taking turns driving so we never stop moving. i know the prairies and western coast well enough to avoid all the majorly populated regions, we would stop in Calgary, since the airport is outside of the city quite a ways. take a plane and fly south, we would find a airport thats not in a major city and refuel and make our flight across the ocean.




EDIT: drox thats for a community where your staying and the role you would play, not what your plan of escape to a certain area would be

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Team would be: TheVirus (He probably knows good bars that would be make good safehouses, and his endless supply of liqour would be useful for molotov cocktails.) Kappa The 3rd (A master of herbal healing methods.) Kingswat (In case we run into old lady zombies, he can taze them.) Awacs (He will make sure that our survival is well documented, plus he can stay in a vent for days on end) and ....

Guns:M4A1, Deagle.

Meele:Dildo? Or Lacrosse sticks.

Backpack: Food. Porn. Pot. Beer. Porn. Map with known locations of beer and porn.

Start off at: A prison (TheVirus would be in for drunk in public, Kappa would be doing 3-5 for possesion, I'd be in for aggravated assault, Awacs would be the guy sitting in spectate demoing it all, Kingswat would be a guard and then the zombie outbreak happens and Kingswat lets us out.

Vehicles: The Oscar Meyer Wiener mobile.

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Team would be: TheVirus (He probably knows good bars that would be make good safehouses, and his endless supply of liqour would be useful for molotov cocktails.) Kappa The 3rd (A master of herbal healing methods.) Kingswat (In case we run into old lady zombies, he can taze them.) Awacs (He will make sure that our survival is well documented, plus he can stay in a vent for days on end) and ....

Guns:M4A1, Deagle.

Meele:Dildo? Or Lacrosse sticks.

Backpack: Food. Porn. Pot. Beer. Porn. Map with known locations of beer and porn.

Start off at: A prison (TheVirus would be in for drunk in public, Kappa would be doing 3-5 for possesion, I'd be in for aggravated assault, Awacs would be the guy sitting in spectate demoing it all, Kingswat would be a guard and then the zombie outbreak happens and Kingswat lets us out.

Vehicles: The Oscar Meyer Wiener mobile.


wow that actually made me lol

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Team: Me, Phonicz, Alex, Ledouche, Finzz, Eskomo

Weapon: Auto shotty, Glock

Melee: Tac-Knife :)

Backpack: Water purifier and tablets, Army rations, Map, Compass, First aid, Battery-less flashlight, Extra clothes, Canteen

Vehicles: 2 swat vans filled with ammo/fuel/riot shields?


Head for the west coast avoiding major cities and hopefully find a boat or non-zombie pilot. When we get there get wasted and hit the beach.


Option 2: Get wasted and die fighting with a hockey stick that's on fire on a rock over Niagra falls :)

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Team: Myself, Paching, Dimitry, MPQC, Neo and Allan (i believe bait is now a must). (ckw, shark, chobber and huwajux all die in a fire while listening to mercy sing the wheels on the bus.)

Guns: RPG, Gandalf's staff

Meele: Wooden chair

Backpack: Lights, mp3 player and batteries ;d

Start: On a sinking boat

Vehicles: 3 Jet ski's, 1 submarine :d

How we died?

1st:Neo tried to get on a horse but it ended up eating him :(

2nd:Allan drowned when we thought we saw zombie sharks behind us.. someone had to check!

3rd:Dimitry got blown up when he tried to work out how to start the submarine :/

4th:MPQC tripped over a brick.

5th:Paching ran into the zombies screaming for narnia with a grenade but failed to realise they was a 6m jump from us to the zombies.

Last: Well the way I die is just too epic. (gotta go to mah options evening *runs*)

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