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A Letter From Venonomous-Fate, With Love

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Hey, I know I am simply a Server Admin and have no right to post here, but I have a few things I would like to say (I wrote this part when I was trying to post this in the announcements section lol).


Earlier tonight I got on the forums and had a drunk 7 page long monologue with myself. Now I am in the process of soberining up so i thought it would be a good time to share some of my thoughts with the community. I have been here for at least 3 years, 2 of which I was AO/AM for which I served the longest consecutive period as an higher level administrator. Unfortunatly, college caught me off guard forcing me to leave the community for my first semester in order to get my life back on track.


Now inevitably, some members, such as PotShot :) will accuse me of staging my monologue, which I did not, the video links required numerous "Preview Posts" in order to get it right, and also you will notice that most of the videos occured towards the end when I was sobering up, yet extremely tired, hence my ability to correctly post videos while still typing like I am wasted.


But that Is not the reason that I have decided to post this morning. Why I do so is to try and use whatever respect I have remaining in the community to share some wisdom that I learned over my time here.


Few of your know this, but I was the very last admin ever approved by our former Director of Operations Henda before he got kicked out. As far as I know, I received the fastest admin approval of any admin since (I got it in less than 8 hours from when I posted). Thats enough showboating of my being older than all you though, and know I seriously want to impart some wisdom on all of you.


Watching Henda leave was the hardest thing that ever happened to me in the community. He was the sole reason I got admin, and seeing him go only one week after I got admin left me with no one at SG. I didnt know Haggard, or anyone else, and in the shitstorm that ensued, I felt like I was the only one who was on Henda's side as he was forced from the community. For the next two weeks I avoided the community, I didnt play CSS, I enjoyed "real life" and drifted away. But I was brought back by something.


Many of you who are old may remember me as the guy who refused to make enemies as an AO. I was always the guy who would take the middle ground and refuse to argue with anyone else, for which I got a trememndous amount of shit pilled on me thanks to Harpr33t (love you). When I got AO, it was not because anyone liked me, but it was because I had done such a tremendous amount of work in the servers and on the forums in my pursuit of AOdom.


In my time as AO, I changed many things which you may or may not be aware of.

    I came up with the idea for our short lived, yet popular slide server
    I created the idea to make the admin "Ban Increase Requests" into its own forum. (Before that, all ban increases were placed in a single thread and none of them were ever done).
    I helped to create the map suggestions/removal forum that we now have
    I was Zombie Escape Czar when we finally changed out Zombie Escape Servers to noBlock (I was vehemently against this, but under great pressure I agreed to allow it on a few maps, and I am happy to say I was wrong with disagreeing before).
    I recommended the change from an automatic perm ban for racism to shorter bans for first time offenders.
    In my entire time here I have never received an admin complaint except for the one I gave myself.
    And above all, before I went AWOL, I dedicated many hours to approving and deny perm bans and testing maps.


Now I am sure you are wondering why I am tooting my horn with all my accomplishments, and here is why....




In my time here I never had a friend.




In my 3 years here, I dont believe I ever met anyone who I can count as someone who I was "friends" with. Everyone had their SG friend who they would go try new games with, but I had no one. When everyone went to play Company of Heroes, I was always the guy who wanted to play, but was only ever asked to play if they were desperate to fill that fourth spot.



But I never cared. I felt like I was a member of a community. It never mattered to me who was leading it, because thats not what our community was about.


What happened to the days when we used to gather on vent and laugh at people as they fell asleep on Stickam? What happened to the days when we would have a 100 person Karaoke night, and when I would sing Britney Spears, then people would move me to the CoH channel to watch me get banned for spamming. What happened to the days when we used to fill up an entire Test Server with 40 SG admins and then we would have the BDs mess around with the gravity and whatnot just to fuck with other members, specifically Harpr33t.


We have become a community of whimps. When will we finally realize that there is no "owner" of this community??? There is only THE COMMUNITY!!! We look to the leaders to solve all our problems and make everything right, and we blame our leaders everytime something goes wrong. We bitch and complain everytime the leaders make a tough choice and grow to hate them. BUT WHY? As far as I am concerned, no one is the leader or owner of this community. We are a group of people who get together every night to have fun, nothing more, nothing less, and we dont need leaders to have fun.


When I wrote this, I was wondering why I loved this community so much if I thought I really had no "friends". I realized that it was because of the community. When we act as a community, we act as one. When I participated in the BILLS raids, I didnt feel like Venomous-Fate, I felt like I was an arm of the community. I felt like we were acting as a group, with no leaders, no individuals, just a group of people getting together to fuck around.



With my monologue in the Minecraft section tonight I started off as genuinely drunk. But towards the last few posts I sobered up and was trying to give the community a laugh. I know it sounds bizarre, but I wouldnt do anything for anyone in SteamGamers. But I would do anything for the Community. When we act as a group of people, just trying to all laugh our way through the day, we are not individuals. The is no Venomous-Fate, there is no GarefieldH, there is no Haggard, there is no Henda, THERE IS ONLY THE COMMUNITY.


Feel free to trash me in the comments for over-stating my record or harass me from my drunken rampage or being trans-gendered hehe, I dont care, whatever it takes to pull this community back together to focus on a single thing.



TL;DR : Stop blaming the leaders for the failures of the community and start having fun again. Start doing stuff as a community again, get a bunch of people together and do some stupid shit. That is SteamGamer's bread and butter. When we reach the day when we can do fun yet stupid stuff like Karaoke on the spot without planning we will know the community is back to stay. The leaders own the forums, servers and vent, but they do not own a community, we use and abuse their holdings, but we should never fall into the trap of believing that they own the community.

Even shorter: Don't Be A Drag Just Be A Queen :)





EDIT: I forgot the mention that I wrote this while being very much tipsy, so sorry if it drags on or doesnt make sense, I just puked my thoughts into text lol.


EDIT 2: I am sorry to anyone I singled out in here by name. I was trying to make some examples and I sincerely dont mean to dump on any of the good times we have had. Like even when I thought I was always last choice for CoH, I still had a great time playing with everyone :)

Much Love,

The Lost Community





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Edited by *Queen VenomousFate*
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Let's all be haaaaaaappy.





And go over the edge like a bunch of witless lemmings.



Better to go together as a community then just bitching as a bunch of individuals.


I would rather watch our community come together and vanish because we lost our forums then sit around here with our fingers up our asses while we complain about how aweful things are. Might as well go out with a bang.



I honestly have no idea what went down, all I saw was a lot of bitching so I posted this.

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Better to go together as a community then just bitching as a bunch of individuals.



I honestly have no idea what went down, all I saw was a lot of bitching so I posted this.


The whole point was, there were an load of issues,

People flamed at people that did not agreed on the changes,


But they got to see it from 2 sides, people make choices, and they might fall back on it..


Same as I did, I made a choice to not support these changes, while I forgot one thing on that moment.. I made that dicission for myself, I didnt liked the changes and I made the choice to not support.. That was a bad move, now I realized.. I hat to look as the posibilities, this will provide for the communitie itself. The communitie, the people thats the simple fact why we joined SteamGamers in the first place.


So yes, people did made the wrong choices.. Wont denie I was one of them.

To last 2-3 days were an "movie"

Like people said in the CB -

"Guys grab a coke, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show"


These moments come and go, but dayum... it was a moment for Steamgamers that people were and the thinkin it was on the edge of its existents.


Now I see Amit is back, and he made the choose the run in, so guys.. We dont have to worrie about it anymore. "Everything will be alright"


Like you said Venomomous-Fate, U didnt hat anyone left to fall back on, or test new games with in this communitie, and still you walked on the roofs of this communitie.

We have to act as one, not as individuals.


This community, is going the good way again.

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This community, is going the good way again.


Thats yet to be seen, I remember when garf first took over as PO. He whispered sweet promises in our ears like all do when they take over a huge community. Time will tell in most cases which way it goes.

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Thats yet to be seen, I remember when garf first took over as PO. He whispered sweet promises in our ears like all do when they take over a huge community. Time will tell in most cases which way it goes.


All we can do is hope now, nothing more. Well and support.

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Thats yet to be seen, I remember when garf first took over as PO. He whispered sweet promises in our ears like all do when they take over a huge community. Time will tell in most cases which way it goes.


Someone TL;DR my rant lol. I am trying to say that the "leaders" of our community are not important. They own the physical forums and vent or community uses, but they dont own the community we have built.


I am not saying we should disrespect our leaders, because as an AO I know that I the President and others work hard to keep our servers working, but I am simply saying that who the leader is should have no impact on how our community works. Our past Presidents have worked extremely hard to bring more members into the community, but a President alone cannot make a community work. He can bring in new members with his forums and servers, but it is up to the whole community to make sure the community has fun together. The "Owner" is in charge of making sure the servers work, but our community extends far beyond any single forum, ventrillo or server,

Edited by *Queen VenomousFate*
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