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pakistani leader assasinated

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A big shame really she had the power to do so much good. :( Hard to think that a simple person could take that away from her. Sad news really. But good lucky for the future is what I hope for :)

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Bad news for democracy in the region and the stability of Pakistan. I mourn her death. Hopefully good will come out of this and causes the Pakistani people to rise up against Al-Qaeda and extremists in Pakistan, because if extremists ever gained control of Pakistan in a coup, they'd also gain control of Pakistan's stockpile of nuclear warheads. And if that happens, you can say goodbye to Western countries, and hello to Islamic Sharia Law.

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If this took anyone by surprise then you are quite ignorant. This was bound to happen, and I personal thought it was going to happen well before it actually did. Even if she took power no good would come. She wasn't liked during her earlier time in office, so what would change during her second time if it were to happen.


Democracy in Pakistan right now isn't exactly that useful. What we need is more officials monitoring US aid to Musharraf. Musharraf has done a good job so far on his fight against terrorism, mainly because of his direct control of the military. Democracy is the last thing we need in Pakistan at the moment. What is needed is a hard line centralized government that can bypass the democratic bullshit and get to the problem first hand.


Look how hard it is for stuff to get done in our own democratic process. We can't even pass a bill to allow congress to discuses whether we should hold a vote on a bill that won't pass. To much bullshit.

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Bad news for democracy in the region and the stability of Pakistan. I mourn her death. Hopefully good will come out of this and causes the Pakistani people to rise up against Al-Qaeda and extremists in Pakistan, because if extremists ever gained control of Pakistan in a coup, they'd also gain control of Pakistan's stockpile of nuclear warheads. And if that happens, you can say goodbye to Western countries, and hello to Islamic Sharia Law.



Beat me to it, LitKey. I agree -- Definitely bad news bears for all democracies and free peoples around the world. As you said, just pray the extremists don't fuck shit up over there more and take over. Pakistan has anywhere from a dozen to 100 nuclear weapons, and if those get in the wrong hands its gonna ruin everyone's day pretty quickly.

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I saw a news VT yesterday and people in the background were rejoicing. I wouldn't have thought that people laughing and celebrating five peoples' deaths could call themselves good Muslims.


It's one big bass ackwards religion. I still laugh when they try to feed you the "religion of peace" nonsense.

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It's one big bass ackwards religion. I still laugh when they try to feed you the "religion of peace" nonsense.


Ideally it is a religion of peace. It is also the most practiced religion on the world I believe. The problem isn't with Islam itself, but occurs with people so fanatically believe in it that they are willing to blow themselves up for their god. Honestly, if I TRULY believed that God wanted me to go around killing people, I'd do it. And don't tell yourself that you wouldn't! There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who aren't psychotic and who don't want to jihad. It's just a very small percentage of the extremists.


It all makes sense if you combine religious fanaticism, and the events that have led up to this current point in time -- Mainly back in the 60's thru 80's when the US was bolstering the newly created Israeli state (a country formed out of land that used to belong to the Palestinians), tons of shit was going down. Israel was asserting itself as a dominate force in the Middle East, pretty much rolling over everyone no problem. The US supplied them with weapons, intelligence etc. Now think about this: A lot of the people who died when Israel whooped ass left behind kids. Other kids were around to see and hear the about 'The Evil US/Israel.' A generation later these kids are grown and their really pissed off.


Religion Extremism + Pissed off people = A bad time.



I personally believe none of this shit would be going down to the extent that it is if the 1970's hadn't fucked up during the energy crisis. They had the opportunity to make plans and set goals for getting rid of oil dependency, use, etc. We probably wouldn't be hearing as much about global warming today if we had stopped using as much oil then (Sweet Lord I would love not to hear that stuff anymore, its getting annoying), and we surely wouldn't be having many terrorism issues. They wouldn't have the money to do any of it.


But yeah, don't stereotype the religion of Islam as a bunch of nutjobs that want to kill everyone. Granted, yes, some of them are and do want to kill everyone but they are in the extreme minority.

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Ideally it is a religion of peace. It is also the most practiced religion on the world I believe. The problem isn't with Islam itself, but occurs with people so fanatically believe in it that they are willing to blow themselves up for their god. Honestly, if I TRULY believed that God wanted me to go around killing people, I'd do it. And don't tell yourself that you wouldn't! There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who aren't psychotic and who don't want to jihad. It's just a very small percentage of the extremists.


It all makes sense if you combine religious fanaticism, and the events that have led up to this current point in time -- Mainly back in the 60's thru 80's when the US was bolstering the newly created Israeli state (a country formed out of land that used to belong to the Palestinians), tons of shit was going down. Israel was asserting itself as a dominate force in the Middle East, pretty much rolling over everyone no problem. The US supplied them with weapons, intelligence etc. Now think about this: A lot of the people who died when Israel whooped ass left behind kids. Other kids were around to see and hear the about 'The Evil US/Israel.' A generation later these kids are grown and their really pissed off.


Religion Extremism + Pissed off people = A bad time.



I personally believe none of this shit would be going down to the extent that it is if the 1970's hadn't fucked up during the energy crisis. They had the opportunity to make plans and set goals for getting rid of oil dependency, use, etc. We probably wouldn't be hearing as much about global warming today if we had stopped using as much oil then (Sweet Lord I would love not to hear that stuff anymore, its getting annoying), and we surely wouldn't be having many terrorism issues. They wouldn't have the money to do any of it.


But yeah, don't stereotype the religion of Islam as a bunch of nutjobs that want to kill everyone. Granted, yes, some of them are and do want to kill everyone but they are in the extreme minority.


yes but the thing is, what we will never be able to over come in the region is the RELIGION..........


They can’t accept western culture and we cant accept theirs


The Jewish can accept ours and we can accept theirs..........


Islam itself denies people basic human rights, especially with women, how can it be expected that we just all get along with them and how could it possibly be anyone’s fault but the fact that they are two distinct cultures that have trouble getting along due to different values and beliefs? I see no validity in the fact that the problem is any part due to our actions of aiding Israel or buying oil.


I agree that it is fanaticism and it is seen throughout history that radicalization as a whole is a bad thing. Radicals of any idea or belief have proven to be the cause of many conflicts. The idea that you repeat would follow fanaticism in Christianity is troubling, seeing as anytime people put themselves above others, leads to genocide. The only way a leader can get his followers to kill innocent people is to dehumanize the target, which is what the radicals are doing to the U.S, what Hitler did to the Jewish, what Saddam did to the Kurds, what the Turkish did to the Armenians, and what is doing on in the Sudan today.


No not all Muslims are extremists nut jobs, but even the non extremists can stone a women to death for breaking Islamic law. Most Muslims don't support the separation of church and state. There are countless other examples of what Americans consider necessity and what Islam consider blasphemy.


Therefore, even without radicals, unless they adhered to western ideas and philosophy, I doubt there would be peace today unless something was put above the differences, such as money, as with China. Since the extremists may be a minority they still find ways to be in control, therefore since they are not a Democracy a minority can rule. Hence, they may be a minority, but what they are doing is wrong and is it not up to the majority to stop the minority? Some would say watching a murder and not doing anything is just as bad as murder itself. So the countless Muslims that supposedly sit back all innocent and watch as innocent blood is shed in their own city streets and back yards, in my mind are just as responsible.

Edited by broncoty
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