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I didn't bother watching the whole video, but I watched up to the point where she was talking about spectrometry being used for the photons (presumably the machine is a photon accelerator). My guess is it's being used to measure the energy of something (as she mentioned photovoltaic cells) or perhaps trying to identify the most efficient light to transfer the energy through broadband (which would explain why there's spectrometry going on).


No idea why they're using white light, though.



Cba watching the rest, sounds quite boring.


Now translate to Estonian please

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Now translate to Estonian please


Ma ei viitsinud vaadates terve video, aga ma vaatasin kuni punktini, kus ta rääkis spektromeetria seda kasutatakse footonite (arvatavasti masin on footoni kiirendus). Ma arvan, see on mõõtmiseks kasutatakse energia midagi (nagu ta mainis päikesepatareid) või ehk püüab välja selgitada kõige tõhusam kerge kanda energia kaudu lairibaühenduste (mis selgitab, miks on spektromeetria käib).


Google translator is win

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She's talking about using a low-powered light pulse and have it amplified and have it hit a photovoltaic surface (solar cell, etc) and then studying how the charge interacts with the cell. With a low-time measurement, she can determine what substances can absorb the light and how it interacts and how the charge is dispersed.


Come on guys, it's not that hard.

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How that fits in with broadband confused me because presumably it's white light she's using.


It's broadband because it has a wide range of time delays as well as wavelengths. It has nothing to do with broadband Internet. The originating light is not white light. She's using a specific crystal to 'convert' it to white light.

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Ma ei viitsinud vaadates terve video, aga ma vaatasin kuni punktini, kus ta rääkis spektromeetria seda kasutatakse footonite (arvatavasti masin on footoni kiirendus). Ma arvan, see on mõõtmiseks kasutatakse energia midagi (nagu ta mainis päikesepatareid) või ehk püüab välja selgitada kõige tõhusam kerge kanda energia kaudu lairibaühenduste (mis selgitab, miks on spektromeetria käib).


Google translator is win




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