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'Proof' That Christianity is False

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Really, because neither 'origin' story can be proven, it's all about your preferences! Also, as you can see for yourself, neither 'origin' story has an answer for where it came from. We don't know how 'God' came to be and we don't know where the components for the 'Big-Bang' came from. So, we have to go from the point of creation.


1. You can believe there is a God who created all things through intelligent design.


Now, many people deny God simply because of fear. They fear being judged by a higher power, because they enjoy doing things He considers sinful and obviously, if you enjoy it then why would you accept the existence of a being who will judge you based on those things you do? Others, as has already been stated, genuinely do not care if God is real or not. I assume these people are just living out their lives here on Earth as best they can.


And then there might be a third group, although this group is not really valid at all because the idea is idiotic, the group that thinks somehow, there is proof that God doesn't exist. People, there isn't proof now and there never will be. You CANNOT disapprove something like that. Its like trying to disapprove that somewhere out in the universe, there is a big blue planet filled with pink aliens. Now, despite the craziness of that idea, you cannot disapprove it. All you can do is believe for yourself that it doesn't exist.




2. You can believe all things were created from some random explosion, and from that explosion, random dead things were brought together to create life.


Now we come to the first major assumption. They call it, 'Spontaneous Generation'. Somehow, dead chemicals came to life. There was no life, and now all of a sudden in some sort of primordial ooze, here comes something that is alive, and is somehow able to reproduce itself. The next assumption is that, coincidentally, this 'Spontaneous Generation' only ever happened once, and there's good reason for that too... its because the chance of it happening is ZERO.

Example? Yes, sir! Just to get an amino acid to become a simple protein, consisting of 200 amino acids... the probability of these amino acids, all being left-handed by the way. Keep in mind if you get even a single right-handed in there, it doesn't work and you have to start over. The probability of these amino acids getting together, bonding together, to become a simple protein, is something like 1 to the 141st power, or if I did that wrong, 1 with 141 zeroes after it. Some people believe there are only 1 to the 80th power electrons in the universe, meaning there aren't even enough possible ways to mix things to come up with a simple protein. And still there's the question of how you somehow get only the left-hand amino acids.


And then there's the tree of life. So we have this one little cell, and here comes everything else. That is an assumption. And once that assumption is made, another one has to be made, and that is viruses, bacteria, plants, and animals are all related. When you look at those trees of life images, really your looking at some bold faced lies. They have these nice big diagrams with all the different living things all connected by these strange lines. But there's nothing on the lines. Why? Well, those are the assumptions I'm talking about. Those are the 'missing links', if you will. Because there is NO PROOF of that cell eventually becoming man, the ASSUMPTION is made that somehow, one way or another, it did. That assumption is then turned into that line, and because of the way everything is connected in that tree of life picture, you are tricked into believing, without being given any evidence whatsoever, that that is how everything evolved.


There is PLENTY more that completely debunks all these silly theories but I'll stop here. In case you haven't already figured it out, I do believe in God. After knowing the above information, its actually more logical to believe there is a creator and, through intelligent design, the world and its inhabitants were made. I mean... a random explosion somehow creating life from lifelessness? That's the best they could do?


Believe what you want to believe, but please... do the research. Many, many atheists look at that tree of life and fully accept that is all the proof in the world but I've already explained how it is far from it. Same goes for many other things but the point is just make sure you do the research. Do the research or stay out of the conversation because your arguments are going to be baseless and just a waste of other people's time.


I'll be surprised if anyone reads all this. lol.


NO! BAD! stop settling debates!!

This is supposed to be a troll thread and I won't let you ruin it XD (jk)


On that note however I'm surprised this whole thing hasn't turned into a clusterf_ck yet I'm sort of surprised by that

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who is forcing it is my opinion to think it is stupid i like my opinion and im sticking with it.


It wasn't that you just presented your opinion it was the fact that you stated that people that believe there is a god to "fuck off." To me that is insulting because I don't tell you to "fuck off" because you don't believe in a god.


Cool your ok by me (not that it means much but whatever)

I hate when someone goes around trying to "convert" you to "save your soul"

I used to have a friend who was like that, he used to tell me all the time that I was going to hell because I was an atheist and that by repenting and/or believing in god that I can avoid that


There is no problem with being atheist. I am not a die-hard Christian but I do attend church and I do believe in a God. Others don't feel the same and that is respectable. I don't really like when people debate over whether there is a god or how you have to believe and people try and convert you. Freedom of Religion is a great thing.

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Really, because neither 'origin' story can be proven, it's all about your preferences! Also, as you can see for yourself, neither 'origin' story has an answer for where it came from. We don't know how 'God' came to be and we don't know where the components for the 'Big-Bang' came from. So, we have to go from the point of creation.


1. You can believe there is a God who created all things through intelligent design.


Now, many people deny God simply because of fear. They fear being judged by a higher power, because they enjoy doing things He considers sinful and obviously, if you enjoy it then why would you accept the existence of a being who will judge you based on those things you do? Others, as has already been stated, genuinely do not care if God is real or not. I assume these people are just living out their lives here on Earth as best they can.


And then there might be a third group, although this group is not really valid at all because the idea is idiotic, the group that thinks somehow, there is proof that God doesn't exist. People, there isn't proof now and there never will be. You CANNOT disapprove something like that. Its like trying to disapprove that somewhere out in the universe, there is a big blue planet filled with pink aliens. Now, despite the craziness of that idea, you cannot disapprove it. All you can do is believe for yourself that it doesn't exist.


You're half right, no one can disprove that A GOD does not exist, however you can prove that religions are wrong. Because while A GOD is technically unprovable by it's nature, all forms of religion have, to some extent, provided evidence that their own GOD exist. As such they have technically proven themselves wrong in trying to prove themselves right.


I believe that there is a chance that, somewhere out there, A GOD does exist. However I don't believe any religion is right and in all honesty, I don't care how everything got created. More accurately I don't think we will be able to prove anything anyways, so believe in what you want, provided you realize that it is a belief and not a fact.

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Really, because neither 'origin' story can be proven, it's all about your preferences! Also, as you can see for yourself, neither 'origin' story has an answer for where it came from. We don't know how 'God' came to be and we don't know where the components for the 'Big-Bang' came from. So, we have to go from the point of creation.


1. You can believe there is a God who created all things through intelligent design.


Now, many people deny God simply because of fear. They fear being judged by a higher power, because they enjoy doing things He considers sinful and obviously, if you enjoy it then why would you accept the existence of a being who will judge you based on those things you do? Others, as has already been stated, genuinely do not care if God is real or not. I assume these people are just living out their lives here on Earth as best they can.


And then there might be a third group, although this group is not really valid at all because the idea is idiotic, the group that thinks somehow, there is proof that God doesn't exist. People, there isn't proof now and there never will be. You CANNOT disapprove something like that. Its like trying to disapprove that somewhere out in the universe, there is a big blue planet filled with pink aliens. Now, despite the craziness of that idea, you cannot disapprove it. All you can do is believe for yourself that it doesn't exist.




2. You can believe all things were created from some random explosion, and from that explosion, random dead things were brought together to create life.


Now we come to the first major assumption. They call it, 'Spontaneous Generation'. Somehow, dead chemicals came to life. There was no life, and now all of a sudden in some sort of primordial ooze, here comes something that is alive, and is somehow able to reproduce itself. The next assumption is that, coincidentally, this 'Spontaneous Generation' only ever happened once, and there's good reason for that too... its because the chance of it happening is ZERO.

Example? Yes, sir! Just to get an amino acid to become a simple protein, consisting of 200 amino acids... the probability of these amino acids, all being left-handed by the way. Keep in mind if you get even a single right-handed in there, it doesn't work and you have to start over. The probability of these amino acids getting together, bonding together, to become a simple protein, is something like 1 to the 141st power, or if I did that wrong, 1 with 141 zeroes after it. Some people believe there are only 1 to the 80th power electrons in the universe, meaning there aren't even enough possible ways to mix things to come up with a simple protein. And still there's the question of how you somehow get only the left-hand amino acids.


And then there's the tree of life. So we have this one little cell, and here comes everything else. That is an assumption. And once that assumption is made, another one has to be made, and that is viruses, bacteria, plants, and animals are all related. When you look at those trees of life images, really your looking at some bold faced lies. They have these nice big diagrams with all the different living things all connected by these strange lines. But there's nothing on the lines. Why? Well, those are the assumptions I'm talking about. Those are the 'missing links', if you will. Because there is NO PROOF of that cell eventually becoming man, the ASSUMPTION is made that somehow, one way or another, it did. That assumption is then turned into that line, and because of the way everything is connected in that tree of life picture, you are tricked into believing, without being given any evidence whatsoever, that that is how everything evolved.


There is PLENTY more that completely debunks all these silly theories but I'll stop here. In case you haven't already figured it out, I do believe in God. After knowing the above information, its actually more logical to believe there is a creator and, through intelligent design, the world and its inhabitants were made. I mean... a random explosion somehow creating life from lifelessness? That's the best they could do?


Believe what you want to believe, but please... do the research. Many, many atheists look at that tree of life and fully accept that is all the proof in the world but I've already explained how it is far from it. Same goes for many other things but the point is just make sure you do the research. Do the research or stay out of the conversation because your arguments are going to be baseless and just a waste of other people's time.


I'll be surprised if anyone reads all this. lol.


According to the "Bible" Earth was created in dix days (God rested on the seventh)


Guess what, we have proven this to be incorrect;


[b]Origin of the oceans and atmosphere[/b]

Because the Earth lacked an atmosphere immediately after the giant  impact, cooling must have occurred quickly. Within 150 million years, a  solid crust with a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basalt"]basaltic[/url] composition must have formed. The [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felsic"]felsic[/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continental_crust"]continental crust[/url]  of today did not yet exist. Within the Earth, further differentiation  could only begin when the mantle had at least partly solidified again.  Nevertheless, during the early Archaean (about 3.0 Ga) the mantle was  still much hotter than today, probably around 1600°C. This means the  fraction of partially molten material was still much larger than today.
Steam [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outgassing"]escaped[/url] from the crust, and more gases were released by [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano"]volcanoes[/url], completing the second [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_atmosphere"]atmosphere[/url]. Additional water was imported by [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteoroid#Bolide"]bolide[/url] collisions, probably from asteroids ejected from the outer [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroid_belt"]asteroid belt[/url] under the influence of [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter"]Jupiter[/url]'s gravity.
The large amount of water on Earth can never have been produced by  volcanism and degassing alone. It is assumed the water was derived from  impacting [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet"]comets[/url] that contained ice.[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Earth#cite_note-Lunine-25"][24][/url]:130-132 Though most comets are today in orbits farther away from the Sun than [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neptune"]Neptune[/url],  computer simulations show they were originally far more common in the  inner parts of the solar system. However, most of the water on Earth was  probably derived from small impacting protoplanets, objects comparable  with today's small icy moons of the outer planets.[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Earth#cite_note-Morbidelli-26"][25][/url] Impacts of these objects could have enriched the terrestrial planets ([url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_%28planet%29"]Mercury[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus"]Venus[/url], the Earth and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars"]Mars[/url]) with water, [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide"]carbon dioxide[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methane"]methane[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammonia"]ammonia[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen"]nitrogen[/url] and other [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volatiles"]volatiles[/url].  If all water on Earth was derived from comets alone, millions of comet  impacts would be required to support this theory. Computer simulations  illustrate that this is not an unreasonable number.[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Earth#cite_note-Lunine-25"][24][/url]:131
As the planet cooled, [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud"]clouds[/url] formed. Rain [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_the_world%27s_oceans"]created the oceans[/url]. Recent evidence suggests the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_water_on_Earth"]oceans may have begun[/url] forming by 4.2 Ga,[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Earth#cite_note-Cavosie-27"][26][/url] or as early as 4.4 Ga.[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Earth#cite_note-nature1-3"][4][/url]  In any event, by the start of the Archaean eon the Earth was already  covered with oceans. The new atmosphere probably contained [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_vapor"]water vapor[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide"]carbon dioxide[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen"]nitrogen[/url], and smaller amounts of other gases.[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Earth#cite_note-Kasting-2006-28"][27][/url] As the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faint_young_Sun_paradox"]output of the Sun[/url] was only 70% of the current amount, significant amounts of [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas"]greenhouse gas[/url] in the atmosphere most likely prevented the surface water from freezing.[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Earth#cite_note-Sagan-29"][28][/url] Free oxygen would have been bound by hydrogen or minerals on the surface. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano"]Volcanic[/url] activity was intense and, without an [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozone_layer"]ozone layer[/url] to hinder its entry, [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet_radiation"]ultraviolet radiation[/url] flooded the surface.

(Yes it was copy and pasted but I don't give a shit)



So yeah, six days my ass.

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Really, because neither 'origin' story can be proven, it's all about your preferences! Also, as you can see for yourself, neither 'origin' story has an answer for where it came from. We don't know how 'God' came to be and we don't know where the components for the 'Big-Bang' came from. So, we have to go from the point of creation.


1. You can believe there is a God who created all things through intelligent design.


Now, many people deny God simply because of fear. They fear being judged by a higher power, because they enjoy doing things He considers sinful and obviously, if you enjoy it then why would you accept the existence of a being who will judge you based on those things you do? Others, as has already been stated, genuinely do not care if God is real or not. I assume these people are just living out their lives here on Earth as best they can.


And then there might be a third group, although this group is not really valid at all because the idea is idiotic, the group that thinks somehow, there is proof that God doesn't exist. People, there isn't proof now and there never will be. You CANNOT disapprove something like that. Its like trying to disapprove that somewhere out in the universe, there is a big blue planet filled with pink aliens. Now, despite the craziness of that idea, you cannot disapprove it. All you can do is believe for yourself that it doesn't exist.




2. You can believe all things were created from some random explosion, and from that explosion, random dead things were brought together to create life.


Now we come to the first major assumption. They call it, 'Spontaneous Generation'. Somehow, dead chemicals came to life. There was no life, and now all of a sudden in some sort of primordial ooze, here comes something that is alive, and is somehow able to reproduce itself. The next assumption is that, coincidentally, this 'Spontaneous Generation' only ever happened once, and there's good reason for that too... its because the chance of it happening is ZERO.

Example? Yes, sir! Just to get an amino acid to become a simple protein, consisting of 200 amino acids... the probability of these amino acids, all being left-handed by the way. Keep in mind if you get even a single right-handed in there, it doesn't work and you have to start over. The probability of these amino acids getting together, bonding together, to become a simple protein, is something like 1 to the 141st power, or if I did that wrong, 1 with 141 zeroes after it. Some people believe there are only 1 to the 80th power electrons in the universe, meaning there aren't even enough possible ways to mix things to come up with a simple protein. And still there's the question of how you somehow get only the left-hand amino acids.


And then there's the tree of life. So we have this one little cell, and here comes everything else. That is an assumption. And once that assumption is made, another one has to be made, and that is viruses, bacteria, plants, and animals are all related. When you look at those trees of life images, really your looking at some bold faced lies. They have these nice big diagrams with all the different living things all connected by these strange lines. But there's nothing on the lines. Why? Well, those are the assumptions I'm talking about. Those are the 'missing links', if you will. Because there is NO PROOF of that cell eventually becoming man, the ASSUMPTION is made that somehow, one way or another, it did. That assumption is then turned into that line, and because of the way everything is connected in that tree of life picture, you are tricked into believing, without being given any evidence whatsoever, that that is how everything evolved.


There is PLENTY more that completely debunks all these silly theories but I'll stop here. In case you haven't already figured it out, I do believe in God. After knowing the above information, its actually more logical to believe there is a creator and, through intelligent design, the world and its inhabitants were made. I mean... a random explosion somehow creating life from lifelessness? That's the best they could do?


Believe what you want to believe, but please... do the research. Many, many atheists look at that tree of life and fully accept that is all the proof in the world but I've already explained how it is far from it. Same goes for many other things but the point is just make sure you do the research. Do the research or stay out of the conversation because your arguments are going to be baseless and just a waste of other people's time.


I'll be surprised if anyone reads all this. lol.


According to the "Bible" Earth was created in dix days (God rested on the seventh)


Guess what, we have proven this to be incorrect;



Origin of the oceans and atmosphere


Because the Earth lacked an atmosphere immediately after the giant impact, cooling must have occurred quickly. Within 150 million years, a solid crust with a basaltic composition must have formed. The felsic continental crust of today did not yet exist. Within the Earth, further differentiation could only begin when the mantle had at least partly solidified again. Nevertheless, during the early Archaean (about 3.0 Ga) the mantle was still much hotter than today, probably around 1600°C. This means the fraction of partially molten material was still much larger than today.

Steam escaped from the crust, and more gases were released by volcanoes, completing the second atmosphere. Additional water was imported by bolide collisions, probably from asteroids ejected from the outer asteroid belt under the influence of Jupiter's gravity.

The large amount of water on Earth can never have been produced by volcanism and degassing alone. It is assumed the water was derived from impacting comets that contained ice.[24]:130-132 Though most comets are today in orbits farther away from the Sun than Neptune, computer simulations show they were originally far more common in the inner parts of the solar system. However, most of the water on Earth was probably derived from small impacting protoplanets, objects comparable with today's small icy moons of the outer planets.[25] Impacts of these objects could have enriched the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, the Earth and Mars) with water, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, nitrogen and other volatiles. If all water on Earth was derived from comets alone, millions of comet impacts would be required to support this theory. Computer simulations illustrate that this is not an unreasonable number.[24]:131

As the planet cooled, clouds formed. Rain created the oceans. Recent evidence suggests the oceans may have begun forming by 4.2 Ga,[26] or as early as 4.4 Ga.[4] In any event, by the start of the Archaean eon the Earth was already covered with oceans. The new atmosphere probably contained water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and smaller amounts of other gases.[27] As the output of the Sun was only 70% of the current amount, significant amounts of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere most likely prevented the surface water from freezing.[28] Free oxygen would have been bound by hydrogen or minerals on the surface. Volcanic activity was intense and, without an ozone layer to hinder its entry, ultraviolet radiation flooded the surface.


(Yes it was copy and pasted but I don't give a shit)



So yeah, six days my ass.

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Useful site for you to read, Pagan, specifically the last paragraph, but read the entire thing (aka, don't be so literalistic.)



Interesting. Lets say that a "being" did create the Universe as we know it. How do we what people are actually "Worshiping" is just another civilisation that came to Earth thousands of years ago and forced people of that era to write a book on what that Civilisation thinks is correct or what they once though.


The one thing that really annoys me is this:


The Bible is morally wrong yet people still worship it, they worship the meaning of it. You wouldn't go around worshiping a Rapist or someone who had commit incest, would you? The Bible states that what I've just said is perfectly fine.



Edited by Tweezy
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