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Soo my friend came out of the closet last night lol

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One of my clsoe friends is gay, and all through school, we kept thinking whether he was or wasn't, in the end he never came out per se, but it just was an accepted thing he was.


I think that there is too much emphasis on people 'coming out' about being homosexual, most of the time, as dire said, your closse friends will of accepted that you might be a long time before

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You aren't born gay so something obviously causes you to become gay. From Venomous Fate's sig I get a clue to one of the causes........


That could be highly debated. Why would someone WANT to put themselves through the hardships and resentment that they get from society? They wouldn't. All the gay people I know say that they knew they were gay since they were little kids. It's not a lifestyle choice, it's how you're wired.

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I disagree, In all aspects of life there are so many varieties of gender. People don't choose to be gay, anyone who is will tell you that. Why would anyone choose it with all you have to go through and deal with. It's something you know from a very young age. Coming out is difficult as well, Depends on the person, some choose to take it slow and carefully and some do not. To say flat out people are not born gay is incorrect.


Just my 2 cents on the subject.

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Veggie ofcourse people choose to do difficult things, think of many of the different lifestyles people have...


Er it is hard for me to explain it I guess...but not everyone goes for the easy route in life.


People choose to climb Mount Everest, they aren't born to climb it, they just want to despite the serious risks.


Maybe it is part of your personality to be different, like how some teenagers rebel.



On the other hand, there have been cases of other animals being gay. But this in my opinion could still be based on the environment they are in.


In the past there wasn't as many gays as now. It isn't just because people have more rights now, due to the internet, films, tv etc people see more about homosexuality.


I dunno if it is a correlation at all but I have a big feeling that it is.

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In the past there wasn't as many gays as now. It isn't just because people have more rights now, due to the internet, films, tv etc people see more about homosexuality.


I dunno if it is a correlation at all but I have a big feeling that it is.


The reason you didn't *see* as many gay people around is because it used to not be as accepted as it is now. They would get the shit beaten out of them for being that way. That's why they put up facades and acted like they were 'normal'.

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I'll say this much:


As for the friend, buy him the Sex and the City DVD set... only gays and annoying women like that crap.


Pluses to gay friends:


1. He can deal with a hot chicks "BFF" (read: big fat friend) while you take her somewhere else, and the BFF will be none the wiser.

2. Got a problem picking your female GF a gift? Go with your buddy, and just tell her it was from her.

3. They can decorate... real gays can make extreme home makeover look like a retard with some crayons and a staple gun got ahold of some PCP in a chicken coop.

4. Property values tend to go up around them

5. Tend to be abreast (lol) on women's issues... GF talking random shit you can care less about? Get some info-schooling from your BFG (read: Boy, Friend, Gay) who will suddenly become more useful than the BFG 9000.



1. Only happened once to me: Got a crush on me, Asked me something, I very politely declined, he got mad at rejection, and stole my license plate. I dont talk to the fellow anymore.

2. Random, roving groups of gay bashers can mistaken you for brandon teena and beat your ass in addition to your friend's

3. may be a "fresh ripe fruit", a subset of gay men, that just came out, and must tell you every gut wrenching detail about their recent soiree the night before, in all its bed sheet staining glory.

4. Your parents may think you are gay, especially if you are either Catholic, or Hispanic.


Do I think it is a choice? I think that until genetic science proves otherwise, I will continue to believe that socialization, upbringing, roles in familial relationships, and mental disease intermingle to create different sorts of people. I've met guys like my cousin Ricky who has been pink since we were 3 (he had a collection of barbies stashed in the bottom of a toy chest full of GI JOEs), then you have a buddy of mine in college who slept with more women than the black guy formerly known as the artist formerly known as purple rain prince, and last we spoke he is dating some B-list off-off-off-off-broadway stagehand who he calls "bear" (cross reference this with the "freshly ripened fruit".


I'm a fan of concrete evidence, precedent, and low spin, and until I get a medical report from the AMA telling me that homosexuality is a diagnosable, genetically inherent characteristic, it will remain a social group in my lexicon of speaking.


I dont think that there is anything wrong with that either. I AM catholic, but like many things in my faith, I don't listen to the Hitler youth boy in a hat ENTIRELY (Hell, here I come) , I do not choose the lifestyle for myself, but I do not advocate their violent accosting however... a crime is a crime, committed against whomever. This being said, unless there is a discernable, immutable characteristic to a person, proven/provable through medical science, I do not feel that any more than rational basis govt. treatment is necessary.

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Hes actually not the type to watch Sex and the City. He likes UFC, South Park, comedies. I have a few feminine gay friends and hes definitely not one of them.

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ya one of my good friends, he is college, and u would not think he was gay, but one day he told me and his other friends, and we where shocked, u never know man. i am glad u handled it well, still a good friend! u are a true friend! and not being immature about it like other people mite of been.

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Men are supposed to reproduce with women, that is the main factor in keeping the human species going, if you go against that you are defying the very point of life, but that all depends on what you want to believe.......


You aren't born gay so something obviously causes you to become gay. From Venomous Fate's sig I get a clue to one of the causes........


There Is Nothing Wrong With A Man Enjoying A Band That Happens To Be Made Up Off 5 Guys Who Most People Think Are Gay But They Dont Think They Are Gay.


Seriously, Why Can't A Heterosexual Guy Tell A Heterosexual Guy That He Thinks His Booty Is Fly?




With Love,


Edited by *Queen VenomousFate*
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Sorry for kind of bumping this but been busy for the past week or two.


Social pressures and sex roles. How would you react if for years you were raised to be a certain way, but deep down inside you knew you were different, but that difference wasn't nurtured. Its got to be hard living like that.


I think you're right. I know he had a hard time coming out and I know he deals with clinical depression and I wouldn't doubt that his depression has something to do with that.

He really doesn't like to take his medication despite me and his other friends/family telling him he should and we can't force him. Been a few nights where hes really down. I usually invite him over to talk and smoke him up (as in get high) when that happens.


You aren't born gay so something obviously causes you to become gay. From Venomous Fate's sig I get a clue to one of the causes........


Highly disagree. If anyone wanted to turn straight in an instant, it would be someone like my friend. He had a wicked hard time coming out and I really believe that he has a hard time accepting who he is. He hasn't told many because (I think) hes scared how they'll react.

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