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Dead Eye

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About Dead Eye

Dead Eye's Achievements

  1. BF3 Beta.

    Hard to notice any drastic graphic enhancements on the PS3 but the gameplay is amazing and gives it that old bf2 feel to it again (sort of)
  2. It was around that 15-16 age period It felt longer idk, long story short: I was younger, allot more immature back then, I am 18 now, allot of the things I said and did in the past were wrong, I don't know all the details considering it was a couple of years ago and I tried to walk away and forget this community, but I'm back, a little older, and I'm more mature (That's probably more for others to judge). That's basically it and all I wanted this to go.
  3. That was a post i made when I was younger and lied about my age. because I was only like 14-15, but as I said things have changed allot since then.
  4. BF3 Beta.

    I thought it was the guy playing that had god mode then I looked at the guy spazzing out and I just had to laugh. I am thinking that it may be a hit box bug? but either way it should probably be reported, I'm sure they will fix it.
  5. "The original troll" is referencing to the mask not me. I am 18 now. I was banned once, almost a year ago. EDIT: I had no idea I was banned. I never purposely cause trouble in the servers, I was on earlier that daybut my stupid 9 year old brother went on css I told him he could stay on a "gun game" server but admited to going to prison break which I specifically told him not to do after I confronted him about it. (yea I'm sure you've heard that excuse before but I'll make sure that never happens again. Thats probably why godfather asked me If I had gotten banned today. Before this I had not been banned for what I would say a solid year) No I haven't left, although something like this already happened -.- so its probably not the best way to "come back"
  6. Yes lol, im not an annoying 16* year old anymore.
  7. I am back yes, Its been a long time since I last stopped by and Ive been getting back into the SG servers and forums. Most of you probably have no idea who I am but I used to go by Phoenixx Jon a LONG time ago, its been about 2-3 years. I have changed enormously, I guess you can say yea "they fucking dropped kid". I have mainly been in other Garry's Mod communities like Convict (ZPS developers) and I was a community leader there for a while which mainly shaped me and then I went to my current communities Integral and Stoned (im not finishing names to prevent advertising) where I administrate on a few Role play servers so I wont be extremely active here, but Its been a fun couple of days coming back and seeing some old friends. That's about it see you on the servers. EDIT: Fixed Spelling error in a sentence
  8. lol i laughed for like 1 second then i was like what the hell is this
  9. tut tut Miley

    Bound to happen sooner or later....
  10. Source SDK they also have tutorials Ancient Chineese Secret
  11. SG job openings

    sounds pretty cool
  12. Ooops

    XD that is bad
  13. idk, played it myself, and its basicly the same as BFBC2 also i got reach to expiriment with it wich is strange cause i didnt realy like the previous halo games but heard reasch was worth getting. frankly i think reach is a break threw for halo since its t he only one out of the series i like.
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