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A New Rule That Should Be Added

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warning shot whining would be as bad as free kill whining.. what constitutes a warning shot.. honestly i believe the rules are fine the way they are.. warning shots should be issued for delaying and or knifing the vent.. anything else such as...

running across the lvl to someplace else...

cell hopping when told not to..

going to a diff place then told...

running at a CT, should all be shot and killed for...

if a CT has to warning shot for every little thing a T does then the CT's will never win bc one shot does not stop them from entering the vent.. that is considered escaping and should be killed for

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Did you bother to at all read the other threads like this? Not 24 hours ago Beth, the AO in charge of PB, made a ruling that "Warning shots are encouraged, but not required." will be added to the motd/!rules. A decent rule enough. I mean, i fucking hate pussy ass CTs that don't have the balls to kill a T when they break their rules(Even if i'm a T.. its not fun when the CTs won't enforce their rules.). Its an RP mod.. So if they say don't go on the left side, there should be no reason why you're going on the left side other than to attempt to kill them. If a ct shouts "GO TO BIG CAGE WITHIN 25 SECONDS, NO DETOURS!" and somebodies making an obvious detour towards a gun on the floor, i say fuck you to your "Warning shots." When we first got the PB server it was badass because the Ts were always trying to rebel and the CTs had the balls to stop them. Nowadays we have suck up Ts who're just trying to get an LR, even though they most likely won't since its not required, and CTs who are too scared that they'll get banned if they kill a T.

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Did you bother to at all read the other threads like this? Not 24 hours ago Beth, the AO in charge of PB, made a ruling that "Warning shots are encouraged, but not required." will be added to the motd/!rules. A decent rule enough. I mean, i fucking hate pussy ass CTs that don't have the balls to kill a T when they break their rules(Even if i'm a T.. its not fun when the CTs won't enforce their rules.). Its an RP mod.. So if they say don't go on the left side, there should be no reason why you're going on the left side other than to attempt to kill them. If a ct shouts "GO TO BIG CAGE WITHIN 25 SECONDS, NO DETOURS!" and somebodies making an obvious detour towards a gun on the floor, i say fuck you to your "Warning shots." When we first got the PB server it was badass because the Ts were always trying to rebel and the CTs had the balls to stop them. Nowadays we have suck up Ts who're just trying to get an LR, even though they most likely won't since its not required, and CTs who are too scared that they'll get banned if they kill a T.


lol the funny thing is i actually posted what i said then remembered about that thread tryed to go back and edit my post but i guess the forum or site went down..

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Lots of times cts say they give warning shots but they use a awp or deagle to the head and i dont think it is a warning if it kill you right away but if it was made a rule and enforced i dont think this problem would happen as much

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yes i know they are not needed but if you are going to give one make it a fair one


Why? I hate pussy CTs that don't enforce their own rules. Its no fun that way, no matter what side you're on. If you say "Go to big cage, no detours." and someone is clearly headed towards the 1st cell for the teleport, warning shot my ass. Kill that son of a bitch, he obviously ain't listening.

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