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Upgrading or New Computer?

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Hey guys, sooo...


I just got a Compaq Presarior SR2150NX for free, since my uncle moved and he couldn't take it with him. Now the specs are too low to effectively run anything.




Intel Celeron D Processor 356 (I heard this already packs quite a punch, confirm please)


512 MB Ram


ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 (PCI Expres slot available)




K, soo, I will replace the RAM with 2 GB for about $40, now I will want a faster processor and Graphic Card without going over $150 - $170 if possible.


I am having a look at this graphic card right now:



However, I'm useless when it gets to Computer specs and modding and that sort of things, so I would really appreciate some help.

Edited by Toxin
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new mobo, ram, gfx, psu.


and yes you can overclock the nuts off the processor but the limited cache will definatly hinder your performance





a $150 would be bottle necked to fuck by that CPU



However the CPU is 3.3Ghz which is easily enough with an FPS Config. 1-2 GB of ram is ok if u ran source on its own and changed ur heapsize to 512MB-1GB instead of standard 256MB.


and any GPU for about 30-50 dollars can run css

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K, so what would be POSSIBLE in that money range? (Talked to my dad, money ranged upped to $200 tops).

What would be MOST needed and which one should I get of it.


P.S Graphic Card should be last on the list, the other stuff first please. Still recommend me a good one though.


A got a slim idea, how about this combo:






Feedback please.


I will also need to know what RAM I need for the new processor.

Edited by Toxin
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ok, we need to know what your motherboard supports for type of ram.


for an upgrade of cpu, also dependant on what your motherboard can support. as i know for a fact that your motherboard does not support AMD processors, try



for the graphics card, that you suggested, NO just NO.


PCI-E or is it AGP Slot on your motherboard??


PCI-E - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150430


AGP - dont even bother

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