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Issues with 8600M GT

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Hey, my computer is fucking me over, please help me.


Anyways i have an R500 LG Laptop, with 2G RAM and an 8600M GT Graphics card. My issues is that I am now getting lag spikes of up to 8-9 second delays in L4D (Thas right 8-9 seconds where everything on my screen stands still, and whatever sound effect that was going off loops).


It wasn't this bad before, it used to be only around a 2-3 second delay spike, then one day I got tired of the delay and went to fix it, this included doing disk-cleanups,defrags, and re-installing my Video Card (and getting the newest driver).


I get the same sort of delay in CS:S however its dramatically less in time (less than a second each time it happens). So it leads me to believe its directly link to the amount of stress put on my graphics card.



Any suggestions, or am i just fucked?

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try these options in order to see if it solves your problem


1. turn all your settings to low and see if that fixes the problem. then try running the game

(also make sure AA is off and all that eye candy crap in advanced settings)


2. if problem is still there, try running l4d (same can be done with css) with dx 8.

this can be done by right clicking on Left 4 Dead and clicking properties. then go to set launch options and paste this "-dxlevel 81" (without quotations) in there. try running the game again


3. if it still isnt working, make sure your card isnt overheating. there are programs out there that will show the temps inside your laptop. (typically you want your temps to be at least below 60 degress celsius). if overheating is the problem, you will need a better way of cooling the laptop down, either by taking more breaks to give it a rest or by buying a laptop cooler station thinggy)


4. if temp isnt the problem, ctrl+alt+del and look into your processes and services, see if there is anything out of wack in there.


5. it is possible that you picked up a virus somewhere and it is crippling your laptop. run a scan with your anti-virus. if you dont have an anti-virus (which is pretty dumb), download avg free.


6. as a second to last resort, uninstall and reinstall l4d and css.


7. and as a last resort, reformat your laptop. save all your important files to an external drive and reformat your laptop.



get back to me on this and tell me if any of this works.

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Yea i set all my settings to slow and its a big improvement right now, its a solution, but it doesn't fix the problem though. My video card should EASILY be able to handle this game at max graphics.


I tried doing virus scan, temps are a bit high but not too bad, and i don't think its just these games, cause other games i use have the same problems. Re-formatting might not be a bad idea, but it'd be a bitch to do.


Thanks for the help.

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Yea i set all my settings to slow and its a big improvement right now, its a solution, but it doesn't fix the problem though. My video card should EASILY be able to handle this game at max graphics.


I tried doing virus scan, temps are a bit high but not too bad, and i don't think its just these games, cause other games i use have the same problems. Re-formatting might not be a bad idea, but it'd be a bitch to do.


Thanks for the help.


mobile graphics cards are bad at the best of time, you cant overclock them that much, you cant up upgrade them, you can mod them. and in my opinion, the 8600M is one of the worse mobile version ever produced. and it shouldnt "EASILY" handly CSS at max settings, no way. that is where you are getting the performance issues. your graphics card just isnt good enough to run anything on max settings, maybe solitare and thats it.


to get better performance there are several scripts out there that can turn a lot of setting down/off that you cant in the video options. the game will not look pretty but u will have a constant frame rate with no lag. also try running the game in dx8 and see if that helps.

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