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In Regards To Fur.

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I am asking that I may keep my base signature without the Proud Stamp attached, and in return the Image displaying shot down furries, and the anti-furry tag be taken away from other names, I do not want this to become an all out war.

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I am asking that I may keep my base signature without the Proud Stamp attached, and in return the Image displaying shot down furries, and the anti-furry tag be taken away from other names, I do not want this to become an all out war.


No. We said what was to be said, no more goddamn drama, the furry content was the source of this stupidity, and it will end when it's gone, period.

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I am asking that I may keep my base signature without the Proud Stamp attached, and in return the Image displaying shot down furries, and the anti-furry tag be taken away from other names, I do not want this to become an all out war.


We know... simply remove your signature and avatar until you can edit it on monday.

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I'll make a petition asking for the removal of his signature, and other content related to it, sorry if I didn't give you a valid reason to go forum nazi on me.


This whole thread could have been avoided by using PM's. I'm sure if you just sent a message to someone with relevant power to remove signatures then you would have got your answer rather than going through a 6 page thread..

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I admit, when I came to SG, I said some pretty stupid things, those that i may or may not regret. I know as a fact though, that none of my links were in any way pornographic or sexually oriented. If you ask some of my steam friends, i was starting to thin it out after that, but then I got a link to "The Fur" in the user group "Those the people against Bullshit". This would not have bothered me, but by the time i had found out about it, Anti Furry tags had already been distributed among the ranks, and there was a very unsatisfactory image displayed.


If this image was not brought into this, I would not have continued as far as I have. If you look at the second to last post on the first page, second image, it displays a very disruptive and gory image directed towards furries. it states something like this "Suffer not the Furries to live ~Desu" Desu has no meaning in English, but essentially it says that all Furries should be killed, basically because they are Furries. This greatly offended me, I could care less about anything else in that chat, but that I considered harrassment. Soon after, I added my "Proud to be Furry" Stamp to my name. The most recent objection to me was yesterday, where i was messing around with a few friends, and used the phrase "*Furry Huggz*", which apparently was disgusting, unpleasing, and / or pornographic. Somone told me to "Gtfo you furfag" and the arguement continued. This lead to the creation of this post. My terms of surrender are simple, please remove the anti furry tags, and the image or discussion.


If this is done, I shall cease to use any kind of furry chat in the chatbox, and will proceed to add my forum friends through steam, and talk to them through that. Thank You.


PS. I Find REPEAT's post very inflammatory. It seems that he wants to describe furries as a disgusting filth of the earth, he does not give a suitable definition, and it seems to me that he wanted to cause a fight with that post. I am certain that this thread is directly posted towards me, and me only.


Ahem, (Taps microphone)

May it please the Forum, Legalsmash, on behalf of the plaintiffs, persons appalled by this unbearable plague.


Let me preface the following by stating that I really don't care about you, or who you are... the only thing I care about is the eradication of this insidious filth that has gripped the vital organs of our beloved gaming community.


Regarding your "demands" and "Terms of surrender"


First, Hitler (trying to broker a separate peace eh?), there are no terms of surrender, there is no fight, and there is no "need for discussion"... your sig, on its own, is enough to offend most. No Furry discussion, love, sig, tag, etc. is an evenhanded and fair request to your "Terms".... So, if you want that, please, by all means, take down YOUR sig, YOUR avatar, and YOUR pro-sickfuck propoganda, and the rest of the forum will leave you alone. Seriously... no one will tell you "GTFO Furfag" because the rest of us won't care about your personal leanings once its off our screens... get it?


Second, Repeat requested information as to what was being discussed... if you imply that requesting information from a neutral arbiter is "inflammatory", I'd tell you to put down your gadget doll and go get a thesaurus, dictionary and read them.


If you imply the video is "offensive", I would venture to say that it is no more offensive than your bukkakke like spewing of fur-activity on this forum.


Repeats posts do not state ANYTHING NEAR what you said they did... you wildly mis-characterize his statements and give some internet-tough-guy drivel about "he wanna fight..."... lets avoid the fight and establish four main things:


1. No one EVER asked you to bring this "Activity" of yours out... this was YOUR decision solely. A Decision for which you are solely responsible for the reaction, consequence, good or otherwise, in this case bad, to your decision. Deal with it, you are a big boy/girl/wildebeest.

2. No one should be required to accept you, we merely tolerate, tolerance in no way means we as a group, or individually have to stomach you shoving it into our faces like a Hep-C positive San Fransisco tranny because you want to force acceptance.

3. When we mean remove all traces of said activity, we mean ALL, "furry hugs" incident is the equivalent of a soldier in a dont ask dont tell army saying to the platoon he won't tell anyone he's gay, but he'd love to give them all blowjobs in the ammo room. By posting said things, we have an equal right to post the sigs, and related pictures we had. Should you say it "was for your friends", well, the ones posted on the opposing viewpoint were for our own usage and "friends".

4. Either make a relevant, coherent explanation of your position or you know what to do.



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This whole thread could have been avoided by using PM's. I'm sure if you just sent a message to someone with relevant power to remove signatures then you would have got your answer rather than going through a 6 page thread..


Its not about removing threads completely, Daze, its the fact that this dense fellow does not see that his shoving a deviance in our faces is as antagonizing and offensive as the general reaction is to him. (and I'm very light on what I consider deviant)


His avatar is a picture of a cat or some shit spreadeagled for fisting... wTF

Edited by LegalSmash
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