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AO abuse, no strike..

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It could be "The Real SteamGamers"


THEN, we get to bitch and complain how the gay guy was hitting on another dude who used his admin powers to aboose the gay guy. All the girls went out to a bar where they get in fights with their boyfriends, then ban them. The producer (Haggard) comes on the set and tells one of the admins to GTFO and leave the reality show, in other words, banned. A couple of domestic disputes occur in the servers. Arguments start about the BD's controlling the admins lives to much. One admin walks away and the others say "Good riddance".




Aren't we the best reality show?

Edited by IntenseFajita
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Paul if I remember correctly did votes and the majority wanted the low grav and it was for one round.

... if you get what I'm referring to Spartan.


Either way, GarfieldH told us himself in vent yesterday that he will be overruling any punishment handed out on admins that were just "having fun". Now of course there is going to be a storm of shit coming up about what is fun and what is not. But if you listened to Garf's little speech he gave, I very well believe that things are gonna change in the near future.



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WOW a super long thread.


I think it's simple The BD's and AO's are suposed to be the example in the community. They set the standard on how a admin should react in a servers. If we are punishing admins for doing the same things that higher ups do then there is a problem. Every one should be held to the same standard. If an AO or BD screw up they should also recieve a Strike.


No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but when it becoames a issue is when we turn a blind eye when some one in a higher title does the same thing. I have had my history with baysup. He has had many many warnings, and still does the same things over and over again. It the issue of him not learning from his mistakes. I had asked him in the past to stop using admin chat to talk to the server.


I have witnessed other doing the exact same thing Crimson did, and there was no punishment ever given out. It's simple from this day forward evey one needs to be held to the same standard. Every one knows the rules, so there should be no reason for abuse. If you screw up then you have to pay the price.


Give both a strike or remove both and make it clear starting today things are going to change around here. I think it would make for a better community.

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