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Help Me out please. =]

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I was thinking if you guys can help me (well my friend) on something.


He is planning to buy a new laptop and plans to use it for gaming and for his work. But mostly gaming.


Have you guys got any ideas on a decent laptop for something like this?

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No doubt that only one laptop comes even close to the standard of "gaming computer," but for some extra dough, this is the best one you could possibly get for the price.






Crap thats even more than a friggin MacBook!

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A few of my friends bought Asus brand laptops and love them (I'm rich and bought an expensive Dell). while the plastic case on them is not the best, as long as you don't drop them they will last a good number of years.


17" model, 8gb ram, 1.66ghz Core i7, Mobility Radeon 5870 $1,599.99 out the door:



15" model, 4gb ram, 1.66ghz Core i7, Mobility Nvidia GTS 360M $1,274.99 out the door:



And kicks the shit out of even the just released updated macbooks xD


Damn.... I might buy one, my dell is getting kind of old

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Dell!!! It runs in my family. I've got an awesome one that works with the double thread code for steam games, dual 2.1 gHz processors, and a sick graphics card that supports DX 11. If you're gonna get Windows 7 with it, the choice of RAM quantity is yours as well. I don't know much about gaming computers though. How well do they run Office (Microsoft, not CSS silly)?


Btw I'll get the exact model to you tomorrow.

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Crap thats even more than a friggin MacBook!


did you just mention macintrash in a gaming thread???


For a gaming laptop you gonna pay a lot for the cool colors and turbo mode shit..its nice..but just get a laptop with a nice graphic card like the ones mentioned above youll be set...unless you have tons of cash!!

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Thanks Guys I really appreciate the help =]



He is in good need of a PC cause right now it cant even run HALF-LIFE 1!!!!


Impossible :p


Unless he is on the road a lot, I think it would be better for him to get a desktop, and a netbook. Laptops are a pretty big rip off. Thousands of dollars for those laptops, with that you could get an i7 machine, and a netbook.

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Impossible :p


Unless he is on the road a lot, I think it would be better for him to get a desktop, and a netbook. Laptops are a pretty big rip off. Thousands of dollars for those laptops, with that you could get an i7 machine, and a netbook.


Yeah that's true.


But thing is he is always out tutoring people and teaching and stuff so he needs a laptop also to carry his work around.

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