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Typed Pictures

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Post your typed picture here. Things that use keys like ,./;'[]\| to make a pic. Here's my example


... .........../´¯/).... .......(\¯`\.

..... ......./....//...... ........\\....\

... ......../....//..... ...........\\.... \

...../´¯/..../´¯\ .........../¯`\....\ ¯`\

.././.../..../. .../.|_......_|.\... .\... .\..\.\..

(.(....( ....(..../.)..)..(.. (.\....).... )....).)

.\........ ........\/.../....\. ..\/...... ........../

..\.... ............. /........\.......... ......../

....\.... ..........(......... ..) …… …../


Not that good, just made it quickly. Post em!

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Post your typed picture here. Things that use keys like ,./;'[]\| to make a pic. Here's my example


... .........../´¯/).... .......(\¯`\.

..... ......./....//...... ........\\....\

... ......../....//..... ...........\\.... \

...../´¯/..../´¯\ .........../¯`\....\ ¯`\

.././.../..../. .../.|_......_|.\... .\... .\..\.\..

(.(....( ....(..../.)..)..(.. (.\....).... )....).)

.\........ ........\/.../....\. ..\/...... ........../

..\.... ............. /........\.......... ......../

....\.... ..........(......... ..) …… …../


Not that good, just made it quickly. Post em!



That's such BS dude, you didn't make that. I've seen that same shit on youtube and everywhere else

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  • Content Count:  539
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That's such BS dude, you didn't make that. I've seen that same shit on youtube and everywhere else


Its not hard to re-make small things like that.. Just because youve seen it before doesnt mean it can't be re-made

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