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Ehhh..........I didn't need to watch the whole thing to say that this won't happen. There have been sooooo many accounts of the world ending on certain days that have past. And hundreds and thousands of people have killed themselves fearing the end was going to be that day. But to my knowledge they all died in vain. So to believe this one? I highly doubt this is true............

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I dont think that man is capable of predicting the end of the world ,different religions have different dates of the end of the world so very simple: GOD KNOWS WHEN



btw here is some more predictions looks like it might end before 2012


According to the Weekly world News for 2001-FEB-13, the rapture will occur on the 7th hour of the 7th day of the 7th month of the Hebrew calendar year that corresponds to 2007 CE. Jesus will appear simultaneously in Jerusalem, Baghdad, Washington, Moscow and in every other capital city of the world.


2008-MAR-21: After a lengthy calculation based on the Bible, a British group, The Lord's Witnesses, has concluded that the start of Armageddon will happen on this day. Three quarters of the world's population will die during the subsequent war. This will be preceded by the United Nations taking over complete control of the world in the lunar month preceding 2001-APR-24. This is exactly 666 Hebrew months after the founding of the United Nations in 1945.


2008-APR-17: Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (CARM) received the following unsolicited Email:


"Hello. I would like to E-mail you on behalf of one of the end time prophets of the God of Abraham....Traditional Christianity has really lost its way...the Catholic church is the beast power in Revelation and yet Christianity follows its teachings. That is exactly why only 144,000 will be resurrected on Christ's return, to be a part of the the new government that is coming to earth in 2011."


1999 to 2009: Jerry Falwell predicted in 1999-JAN that Jesus could return within ten years. But before that can happen, he said that the Antichrist must appear. Referring to the Antichrist, Falwell said: "Is he alive and here today? Probably. Because when he appears during the Tribulation period he will be a full-grown counterfeit of Christ. Of course he'll be Jewish. Of course he'll pretend to be Christ. And if in fact the Lord is coming soon, and he'll be an adult at the presentation of himself, he must be alive somewhere today." Rabbi James Rudin of the American Jewish Committee suggested that Christians should be careful about making such comments. His said that Falwell's statement "plays into some latent and historical anti-Semitism from the past." 7 Rev. Falwell later apologized for his comment.


Phil Stone of Bible Time interprets the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 symbolically. He computes the date of the second coming of Jesus as being 2,000 years after Jesus' visit to the Temple at the age of 12 in the year 12. Because the Biblical calendar is slightly shorter than the Solar calendar, we hit the 'two day" mark in 2010..." Actually, the situation is even more dire than he computes. Most theologians believe that Jesus was born between 4 and 7 BCE. This means that Jesus could return at any minute.






2011-SEP-29: Harold Camping, president of Family Radio is reported as predicting that the end of the world will occur sometime during the eight day Feast of Trumpets in 2011. This is an eight day festival each fall in the 5th day of Ethanim, the seventh month. He has completed a book "Time Has an End: A biblical History of the World 11,013 BC – 2011 AD,"

Edited by Edo
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Watch, nothing will happen on that date, but people will be so freaking scared of it they start doing dumb shit...one thing leads to another and we are in a nuclear holocaust after a few itchy trigger fingers pushed some buttons.

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The world i reckon will end one day, not in my lifetime, nor all of yours, or our sons of sons but maybe there sons




i think it will come 1000 years


LMAO!!! Omg I love you.....everytime I see that baby, I can't help but laugh for 5 minutes........:rlol::laugh:


But yeah, Ima laugh in people's faces when the day is over or pull one of these numbers........go up to some girl and say........you don't wanna die as a virgin do you? lmao it will be so sad because I know what they will do -.-

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LMAO!!! Omg I love you.....everytime I see that baby, I can't help but laugh for 5 minutes........:rlol::laugh:


But yeah, Ima laugh in people's faces when the day is over or pull one of these numbers........go up to some girl and say........you don't wanna die as a virgin do you? lmao it will be so sad because I know what they will do -.-






Well im a fortune tell and i predict everyone dies... NOW!!ExplosionExample.jpg


Oh dam, i forgot to save my file

Edited by Tcp-Kill
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