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A personal farewell

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  • Content Count:  1053
  • Joined:  09/09/09
  • Status:  Offline

I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who is a part of this community.


It's great to see the determination of people, the way people can just connect these days. We make so many friends online or offline. It's amazing that we can connect instantly, and make so many friends though any sort of communication.


SteamGamers is a great example of this, I have no doubt many people have met some great friends on here, if they like to admit or or not.


It amazes me everyday that people are constantly meeting new people, making friends, communicating, learning new things about peoples lives and way of living all over the internet.


I can truly say that I've made better friends on here than I have in real life. It's the truth and I'm not afraid to admit it.


Everyone has their arguments, their banters, disagreements. I'm no stranger to that. I've had my fair share, but running a community, keeping people happy is not the easiest thing in the world.


I've made big mistakes in my life, online and offline. I've been successful but at the same time I've gone though hard times and failed. I've regretted things I've done, I've celebrated things I've done. If you put your mind to something, you will always achieve it.


I've been sorry for things I've said, and not so sorry for other things I've done. Like all of us, mistakes are easily made. But it's the way you handle them and bounce back from them.


Haggard could of never continued this community without the support from all the players. Nor will I ever be able to continue this community without the support from all of you. All the people who care for this community, all the people who cherish this place. It's my thanks to you from my heart to say that I appreciate everything that's happened so far.


I'm sorry to all the people I've hurt in life. I'm sure you're all sorry for all the people you've hurt. but hurt just strengthens you for the next hurdle.


I'm sorry to the people who don't agree with decisions I make, I'm sorry to people who've stopped enjoying the community because of a change I/we have made. I'm sorry to the people who've not been able to accept a change or alteration for a day or 2.


I can try to explain all my actions, or I can just let it be. Does it matter what happens in the past? or what happens in the future? Does a good leader lead, or decide?


A million thanks to everyone who've been loyal to this community, and a good luck to everyone who's parted and started to explore life. People who've gone to start their own communities, people who've been banned. This is what shapes life and this is what has made SteamGamers.com


People can say what they want, or can judge this thread however they like. Good or bad, this is from my heart, and my heart only. Need be or need not said, we all need each other at one time or another.


I'm the way I am, and you're all the way you are. I will always try my best to make everyone happy. I will always try my best to make this community entertaining for the users. Regardless of what I've said in the past, we're not the best gaming community, nor will we ever be. We're the community we want to be, our community. Not the best, nor the worst. Just us, steamgamers.


In years to come people move on, people will start out in life, people may remember the fun years/months/days/hours they had in SG, others may forget. In 50 years from now SteamGamers will be long gone, but never forget the fun you had.


I again express my thanks to all the players of SteamGamers.com







But seriously, this is my final farewell thread.


I have recently come back from a long vacation from SG that i used to work on expanding my ATM business. But with this, i feel there is no coming back.


Long story made short.


I have been working since i was 11, helping out my parents with there various businesses over the years, latest one being a gas station. From which i was also able to launch my ATM business also being in this gas station. First month I made around $400-500 dollars off of surcharges alone (ATM fee ldo). By 3 months i had a couple more machines in other stores and was raking in around 1200 a month. A year after i started, here i am, with over a dozen ATM's bringing in over 4500 a month. Yea, life is good, i don't really do much and make tons, but only on the business side.


A few months ago, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, which really sucks, fuck it.

Some may remember me cussing out Virdebello in that one thread with his ignorant dumb ass fuck remark. Seriously dude?, You can choose to ignore it, but there was absolutely no need to call breast cancer awareness anything stupid. So yea, go fuck yourself. We've gotten to the stage of radiation, in which she has to go to the hospital nearly everyday, and me helping out at the shop everyday. I have came to the point that I have decided, I'm turning 20, not going to college anytime soon, hell i may as well just take over the place, logical business sense imo. I will most likely be doing 16 hour work days for a bit, Which is the reason why I am leaving SG.


I need to move on with my personal life, moving up in the business world. I have always been addicted to games to the point that i could sit at my PC for a week doing the same thing. I have finally been able to shake it off and quit CSS, there is no sucking me back.


SG is a whole other thing, a community i liked. Hell, it's the only community i've actually ever donated more than a few bucks for. Most others i just did it so i could go on a lolbanning spree with paid admin. I've donated and have given out free stuff totaling +$3000 dollars. Yea, i can promise you i've never given out 1% of that to any other community. It just shows how much i liked it here, and that will never change.


Love me or hate me, I dare you to do as much as i did.


Ngo out


tl;dr i'm going to tns y'all

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Guest barackobama

Thanks Ngo... =) x


It's been great, wish you all the luck in life.. I still make shit loads, and work 15-17 hour days, and still get time to "run" this place ;)


You'll be back one day ;)


Mwah for now big boy!



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