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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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Plz have PB Plz Have PB Plz have PB


Why would it not have PB? I mean, they probably won't think about it since it's a community-made gamemode and they're focusing on competitiveness, but PB is practically the easiest thing to implement in CS (excluding Jihad mod). It's just a map (though there is a custom entity to remove the T's weapons).


But hopefully this won't turn out to be like Condition Zero, which was just a minor upgrade over the original CS that the devs made a big deal of. At least I can rest assured that this won't be another "Counter-Strike: Online", wasn't that a real disappointment? The CGI trailer really got me excited, but I'm pretty sure that's where most of their budget went.

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it's a competitive game, read the last post or so on the first page, i quoted it directly from the site. there aren't going to be mods etc it's strictly for eSports and 5v5 ladders etc

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it's a competitive game, read the last post or so on the first page, i quoted it directly from the site. there aren't going to be mods etc it's strictly for eSports and 5v5 ladders etc


Counterstrike: Global Offensive, also known as CS:GO or CSGO, is the latest title in the acclaimed Counter-Strike series of first-person shooters by Valve Software. It uses a modern, updated version of the Source engine and release is estimated for Q1 2012 on the Steam platform. Valve announced CSGO in August 2012 after inviting nearly two dozen members of the professional CSS eSports community to their HQ in Bellevue, Washington to give feedback on the current build of CSGO.

CS:GO Confirmed Features


Note that all of these features are from early alpha builds of the game and are subject to change or removal from the final release. See the sources list below for reference material used to compile this list.


# Planned release in Q1 2012

# Matchmaking system

# Focus on 5v5 competitive play

# Both Defuse (de_) and Hostage (cs_) map types confirmed!

# eSports-oriented

# Competitive and Casual modes

# Ranked / ladder play for individuals and teams

# Dedicated servers

# Gameplay has elements similar to both CS:S and CS 1.6

# Classic maps (with both minor and major modifications) include: Dust2, Dust, Aztec, Inferno, Nuke, Train

# Molotov grenade: creates area of fire that slows players crossing through it

# Decoy grenade: emits fake weapon firing sounds to confuse enemies about your position

# Bullets penetrate some walls and objects like CS 1.6

# Many changes to weapons, as well as new weapons

# Classic gameplay: no ironsights

# Beta in September or October (Unconfirmed)



Sources / Relevant Links


# Steam forums thread where Valve designer Jess Cliffe confirmed the game and its name

# Reddit Q&A with a community member who was invited to Valve to play CSGO

# RockPaperShotgun article discussing the pending announcement

# ESEA News reports on it as well

# Kotaku picks up the story

# Tweet from player testing the game at Valve confirming Hostage maps

About CounterStrikeGO.com


CounterStrikeGO.com is a fan website and is not affiliated with Valve Software in any way. We are a fan news blog and information resource established in August 2011 when the game first became known to the public. This page is temporary and will be replaced with a full-featured website with all the latest news and information on CS:GO. Be sure to follow us on Twitter: @CounterStrikeGO


For inquiries or comments please don't hesitate to get in touch with us:


It says casual modes too. I wouldn't expect them to force competitiveness on the game seeing as a large portion of the CSS community is game modes and not really competitiveness.

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