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My Official Farewell and "Resignation" Topic

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Thanks for the shoutout Cloud.


I don't come on here much anyway, there's no real reason drama wise or anything.....it's more that I've moved on from CSS.


For all the friends I have made here, and all the great memories over the years, it can't go on forever. I used to stay around for the forums, and from time to time a new game or gamemode would become popular which I was interested in....but that seems to have dried up also. I'm still playing lots of games, maybe when I can get my Dota 2 working I can catch up with a few people from here and have a few games. I'd say the same about BF3 because I've seen that SG have a server....but that always seems to be empty whenever I've looked. No surprise with that though.....apart from GMOD SG hasn't really succeeded in migrating to any other game. That for me was what has allowed so many great people come and go, though obviously you can't expect the 100% of people who like and play/played CSS to go to BF3, or HoN, or LoL, or TF2, or whatever.......so that's the problem.


Anyway, I'll still be around here and then doing my own thing, hope to catch up with some people sometime.


P.S. your mom Cloud.

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I played with your sister more then I played with you (that sounds so bad), but thanks for all the time you put into SG. When I first joined the community, you were always one of the guys everyone looked up to.


Take care, Ken.

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@Blargh - At first it was hard for me to find any common ground with you, but the more I started hanging out with you, the more I started finding a lot of things I can relate to you about.


Haha you are still the closest person musically compatible with me


You've always been trying to get a few group things going and I kind of in a way turned them down mainly due to the timing of it all lol. You know, you should probably ask to do all that before you start drinking and save it for us, after all it's more fun that way. I miss the OMGpop nights with you all and it was always fun, even more so when Potshot gets drunk with you.


I'm glad my drunk shenanigans were humorous and not just an annoyance. I know i annoyed ALOT of people lolz. But hell I used alcohol to deal with my pain.


You helped me out when we were just strangers and you didn't have any problem doing so. In return I gave you advice and I thought my debt was paid, instead you gave it right back and helped me out when I needed it. I never expected for all of that to hit me because I shut a lot out. In the end I made the same mistake I've made before and didn't even take heed to my own advice.


Thanks for being there when I needed someone to talk to. I just wish I had done more. I didn't realize how bad it got for you until I read what you wrote to Xeno and Beth. I feel like I let you down and should have done more. :[


I always thought you were older than me for some reason, much older, but it turns it wasn't such a huge age difference. You also always talk like you're drunk and when you are drunk you talk like you're crazy. It brings a smile to my face when I think about all the times I've heard you drunk over vent. Yelling out how you can't breathe, falling down the stairs, sending your brother to get you more vodka, and lots more. I think I can say that I never met anyone that remotely resembles you. Hahaha. Keep in touch.

I will :] I've been afk from steam for a few months but I am around again.

Call me txt me anytime Kenny :d


Oh yah and Virde laughed in a high pitched goofy sounding laugh for a while when he read what you wrote to him.

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I can't really say I blame you for making this thread, Cloud. I never really knew you, but I have [a lot of] respect for you for making this thread. The hard work you put into SG won't be forgotten for those who were around when you were BD.

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