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Your favourite fps games

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There are many types of fps games, I have played many over the years, although RTS has been more of a presence...


TimeCrisis. Er whenever I found myself in an arcade, I would be playing timecrisis 2. What a great game, went on to buy 3 and 4 which maybe weren't as good but when you own a gun controller it is too fun to resist.


My second favourite fps is CSS ofcourse. Possibly the best online game, great variety with the mod capabilities, great online gameplay aswell, and above all its easy to socialise on.

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(Call of duty 4-Haven't tried yet)


well thats a bit biased isn't it :O


I personally liked COD4, never tried the previous ones though. But with the Medal of Honor games I was on and off about them...At best I liked the single player, and hated the multi.

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Right now either Doom 2 or Painkiller. I'm a sucker for old school styled shooters. Quake too, back when people played it online. Q-Ball, runes, and the original Team Fortress for the win.


I plan on getting Bioshock after the 360 comes back from repairs though, so maybe it'll change if it's as good as people say it is... then again people also said that Halo 3 was good and I returned that within two weeks.

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CSS - for obvious reasons

Bioshock - awesome game, great atmosphere, lots to do/interact/customisation

Timsplitters - good fun multiplayer, the virus mode (playing with friends) first got me intrested in the idea of zombies + multiplayer fps

Goldeneye - the big daddy of fps

Perfect Dark - have yet to find a as customisable multiplayer as this on a console game, Halo doesn't come close to the selections this game gives you

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The whole HL series including Blue Shift and Op Force. all the way through current.

The original Unreal Tournament, AVP, Crysis, and the old school Marathon.

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