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Finally my shoutbox messages can't be edited to say "I'm a weeb" :sweating:


Thanks for everything you've done here Suri, you will be missed around here, I'll still be waiting here for the proof that I'm a weeb :larry:


See you around nerdo :deagle:


Proof here: https://gyazo.com/89f9705ab9d423dde506d1bcc38df452


and will miss you suri had fun times on ttt together. thanks for what you did for this community

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I have no idea where to start with you, you have helped me through so much stuff from advice IRL to advice on the servers. You have been kinda a mother figure to me and I will never forget you, you have made a big impact on who I a today because when I first joined SG everyone hated me but I always had that one person that always gave me a second... well third... ok maybe more than a couple chances. You have always welcomed me into your channel and never turned me away. I will always remember all the fun times we have had together and will cherish them.


Thanks for everything. And PLEASE keep in touch and get on TS every once in a while.


thanks for the mention :(

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Noooooooooo another S-G CA waifu is leaving me, don't do this to me and the S-G Harem @Suri :wah:


Suri, I remember when I first met you back on TS almost 2 years ago you were actually kind of shy and a bit doubting about yourself. But over time, as I talked to you more and more, I got to know the amazing best friend that I know today. When you were trying to go for SA I gave you lots of advice on what to do to get it, even helping you make your admin app and you finally got it! And I even helped you further to CA by giving you tips on what you essentially needed to do and then you even got that too and for a time we became CA buddies :d. After I became an AO you still helped me with a lot of things S-G related like doing player complaints, giving me ideas and suggestions for events and servers and community related things. You even helped me test a couple of plugins and models when I needed it the most. In my eyes I think you were a great CA that always tried her best to help the community and the people in it.


We didn't stop our friendship to just S-G related things. We talked about many different topics throughout our friendship, ranging from anime to furries to funny random memes we found on imgur or youtube personal issues bothering us. I know you had a lot of personal problems with school, work, and life in general and trying to cope with all of that with S-G. All those bad moments you had I did my best to be there for you. You returned the favor by being there for me when I was having IRL issues and dealing with some things as well. I'll admit that we also had our fair share of fights. Some were just minor arguments, other times they were major fights that really tested our friendship, even at some points I thought we would stop being friends. Even with those bad times we had I still remember all of the good times we had joking around and having a lot of laughs, teasing each other, playing games and talking about similar interests and about life in general.


I know we had a lot of issues in the past few months, but I feel like after we got things settled down and sorted out, our friendship has never been stronger and better than before. Yes I'll admit that you have a few faults that need working on, but at the same time you have a tremendous amount of positives that make them who you are. You're fun, cheerful, smart, energetic when needed, outspoken, caring, honest, fun to play with, and always has something interesting or funny to say. Out of all the people I've met in S-G, I think that you're the most amazing friend that I have ever met and I'm glad that we're still friends after everything that's happened and I hope it stays that way for a long time.


I'm proud that you finally found happiness with someone as cool and caring as Spiked. I know for a fact that he's a great guy to have around and I wish you both all the happiness being together and that it continues that way forever in the days to come. Thank you for everything that you've done for this community and especially for me you official S-G tuber, furrweeb, shark and fox furry lover, Jimmy Rustler, Unique Unicorn & just a little anime *snip snip* best friend @Suri-chan. :bae:






^representation of me while writing all this up :wah:

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Edited by Leon Mordecai
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