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Got a virus dln a demo....now comp won't start

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Hey guts I rly need help. My desktop got a virus earlier when I dln a demo from a complaint. It was one of those that restatted your comp and says dl this anti virus. I tried to find system restore but these error opioid wouldn't let me access anything. So I turned off the power and tried to boot in safe mode. Problem is it keeps freezing everytime I try to boot in every start mode...screen will just freeze. Could anyone plz plz help I have no clue what to do since I can't get on my comp. (I'm on my itouch btw)

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Ok, if you can go to safe mode and download ComboFix.


Post the logs here, or on other computer forums. Do what they say, and it should work.


Here is my quote: "Fight to the end, don't format"

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if you can not run in safe mode you may have to reformat. put everything you want to keep I.E pics music vids onto a blank CD rom (dont burn tho) and get your reformat disk, run it and let it reinstall windows, reinstall ALL drivers

it will take a while i know

it happened to me and i just said fuck it. and reformatted

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This just happened to my friend, basically his only option was to reinstall.\



You could try going in with a linux live usb and trying to fix it.

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I had that too Morningafter,


I had vista ultimate 32-bit.

I had a virus too (with scvhost.exe and all that...), and i couldn't start my pc regular and in safemode.

My PC freezed when trying to go into safemode at crcdisk.sys.


There was nothing i could do about it than using a cracked windows7 disk and installing that.


Now i have Windows7 Ultimate 32-bit and everything's fine ^^


HINT: if you have 2 HDD's, your D: one will keep every file, the C: will completely erased.



Bad luck for you man :(


Just reïnstall windows, nothing to do about it

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