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E3 2014

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Far Cry 4 (PC)

Assassin's Creed Unity (PC)

Mass Effect 4 (PC)

Dying Light (PC)

Mad Max (PC)

The Evil Within (PC)

Assassin's Creed Comet (PS3)


All those precious games I want..:megustasm:


Dying Light is first coming out in February 2015 though :( Can't wait for Dead Island 2 and Dying Light, gonna be some great zombie smashing! And Killing Floor 2 too!

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Honestly RockStar is making the most idiotic decisions with GTAV right now. Waiting almost an extra year to release it finally on ALL platforms!?


Not to mention the major problems they had/still have with the game. *cough* the whole first month of Online all of my characters got deleted no matter what *cough*. Also I'm tired of playing with hackers and 11 year olds running around with $20 billion dollars and tanks and fighter jets in Online. Every fucking session I join, I get spawn raped by some douche bag in a tank. Not to mention the other hackers driving cars and helicopters from GTAIV x_x


But floffy honestly I do feel bad for you and the other PC gamers who haven't gotten to play it yet because you can find out every single detail of the game on YouTube or on Google and not even get to see it for yourself because Rockstar waited too long to release it on the PlayboxC4 One.


Also thank u Eskomo for the exclusives list!


They made way over a billion dollars on 360 and ps3 alone and now they get even more with the new releases as I'm sure people will rebuy the game again. So not really idiotic.


Also who watches the whole story mode of a game on YouTube?

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I'm excited for this too, but have we gotten any information about it at all, beyond that launch trailer?


I saw an "article" posted on a gaming site (Kotaku maybe?) and the headline was like "New Crackdown game does multiplayer in a big way" and the article was just a paragraph and then the trailer and it had no information about how this Crackdown game does multiplayer/coop differently than the other Crackdown games. That pretty launch trailer with no gameplay at all tells me nothing about the game aggggh.

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I'm excited for this too, but have we gotten any information about it at all, beyond that launch trailer?


I saw an "article" posted on a gaming site (Kotaku maybe?) and the headline was like "New Crackdown game does multiplayer in a big way" and the article was just a paragraph and then the trailer and it had no information about how this Crackdown game does multiplayer/coop differently than the other Crackdown games. That pretty launch trailer with no gameplay at all tells me nothing about the game aggggh.


All I know is I now need the XBone, and this game. And I hope to god I can destroy buildings.


Other games I'm actually excited about:



Smash Bros

Dragon Age (I should probably actually finish the other ones...)

Fantasy Life

Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley

Skylanders Trap Team

Infinity 2.0

Probably more I can't think of right now, nor can I remember what I've got preordered already.

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I have an Xbox one and i will be getting it so we can play together :d


Buy me an XBOne and you have a deal. :d


am i the only one who thinks the new cod might actually be good? so far looks like a giant breath of fresh air


I'll likely check a copy out from work when it comes out to play through the campaign. I've not been big on the multiplayer for a while now (MW2, though honestly I haven't and likely won't touch the Black Ops games or World at War).

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Buy me an XBOne and you have a deal. :d




I'll likely check a copy out from work when it comes out to play through the campaign. I've not been big on the multiplayer for a while now (MW2, though honestly I haven't and likely won't touch the Black Ops games or World at War).


But Treyarch's CoD games were the best...Except black ops 2. But black ops 1 and world at war were way better than anything by infinity ward past CoD4

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