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SHARE YOUR DREAMS!!! Ones that youd like to remember.

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It was at night, around 9 on Halloween. A party was raging around the abandon buildings of the King's Park Psychiatric Center. It was a quiet party though to avoid any attention from the cops that pass through. I was among one of those kids, all dressed up in what I usually wear out in public with a few things extra like a machete on my back, strapped to it and my usual gas mask. I was at home when I walk around in these buildings and I love to party. However there was something more sinister at work in building 7. A girl came up to me and started, she wanted to bring me somewhere so I was like why not. She lead me to the bottom floor in a room I had never seen before within the basement. Within this room, it was empty, however there was a metal door in the middle of the room in the floor itself. A man stood there waiting and opened it up and she pushed me straight in. From there I blacked out, but I came to after a few minutes and looked around. It was pitch black, as dark as the night without no moon to share the light it stole from the sun. I got right up and felt chilled but only sensed a opportunity of exploration as my other side takes over. Fiendish in nature. I took out my flash light and pushed the button on the butt of it as it shinned down on the blood that had been smeared all over the floor. I decided to follow it until I came across the skeletal remains of something dragging itself somehow across the floor, dragging it's flesh along with it. The flesh was fresh, the bones were red and chunks of its flesh still remained on it. The flesh it dragged behind it was freshly plucked and ripped from the bone. It didn't pay any attention to me as if it were zombified, only had one and only one thing to do, though I'm sure it would had paid me some attention if it still had a mind of its own. I continued on, following this strange and ripped up being and shinned my flashlight on the walls and saw that this wasn't a ordinary room, it was something much different as the bricks were stone, piled up on top of each other, almost to form a dome of sorts. I continued since my curiosity hasn't killed the cat just yet or in the least myself in other words. I followed this mangle skeletal being, dragging its flesh behind it until it reached the middle of the room where the skeletal being laid sprawled out across the floor. I twas a structure never seen before by my eyes. It seemed human at first glance but when you look at the size, the head and the wing bones that sprout across, it was so much different. The being that had been dragging itself over to it stopped and got up, starting to place its flesh upon the bones of this being, melding it together to form the muscle and skin around it perfectly as if it were magic. I soon realized what had been going on as something chilly pierced myself and my soul, clutching my heart. It was the demon that stood before me, whispering to me, seeming rather impressed that I hadn't succumb to the sphere of insanity that succumbed so many in the past and soon demanded that I help his resurrection. I reluctantly nodded my head and turned around to where I was first thrown out. As I closed in, a set of stairs appeared and the door in the ceiling whipped open, sending the other man to the side as two other watched with absolute horror to see me once more as I emerged out of the tomb. Their faces only grew more pale with astonishment probably that I had came out unscathed from the Lord's wrath. They asked me a few questions in a weird and unusual tongue that I didn't understand, but I just nodded my head and out of my mouth was the language when I started to speak, telling them to go bring more. They did so eagerly, bringing me body by body that I pushed and killed until there was no one left, but the lord was still not complete.. So we waited for more to come to old building 7. We eagerly waited, didn't need food, didn't need sleep as we were all feed off of the energy of corruption that the tomb gave off. Our eyes bloodshot with desire. We were like.. zombies.. demons more or less. and we knocked out and dragged to the tomb those unfortunate enough to have come into our kingdom of ruin, letting them indulge in the insanity of the tomb as they tore their own flesh from the bone. The Police eventually came in, looking into the disappearances of so many people, but soon enough they ran into us, bloodied, and dirty, smelling of decay. The cops yelled at us multiple times for us to stop, surrender and hand ourselves to them, however we got up off the wall, carrying our sharp tools in hand, stained with the blood of so many. The cops pulled out their guns and gave us a few warnings, but we didn't care and pressed on. They started to shoot, the bullets embedding into our flesh, we shrugged them off until we had killed them too and threw their bodies into the tomb so that our lord may resurrect. It was finally the time when those officers were done ripping their flesh off and melding it to our lord's bones. HE soon resurrected, being as pale as a vampire, as large as a elephant. His wings spreading across twenty feet with black feathers. His hair as dark as night. He looked down at all of us as we came before him with fiendish smiles of success on all of our faces. His blood red eyes gazed into our souls and he smiled wickedly with malicious intent and told us " You've done well my children.. This is our kingdom, these are our castles, this is our domain and you are its keepers, its kings and queens and I grant you immortality. However don't forget to continue feeding me the souls of all you come across if this stops and your love for me stops, you will perish into dust, erased from history... He then laughed and raised a throne of stone from the tomb floor as his wings spread out and wrapped around him like a cloak and he sat down in his throne. We nodded our heads and continued on, being unable to die, lurking and roaming around the buildings.. Taking the unfortunate souls that came across us.



-FYI I did exaggerate the story since dreams aren't that vivid so I made a parody of what I know and saw within the dream.

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I once dreamed that I lived a fulfilling life where I made healthy life choices, focusing on making friends and building relationships while maintaining high grades in college. I had an amazing girlfriend and was loved by my peers, and I never EVER made any memes.



and i never want to relive that nightmare again


Thats deep bro

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@Zombee let's hear some more stories, or a part 2 to the keeper and the undead king. I want to know what happens to you. Do you still continue feeding him souls? Or do you disobey him and try to kill him yourself after he granted you immortality? I'm intrigued.. lol

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It has been a few years since we last heard of these Keepers, the kings and queens of the 100 buildings of the Kings Park Psychiatric Center. Throughout these years, they have done what they were supposed to do for their lord, gone back to their homes to not arouse any suspicion, then went back to deal with any soul that they saw. Ideas sprouted around them, such as "What is a king without subjects to rule over?" So they stopped their constant bloodshed within their halls, their kingdoms, instead kidnapped the young and old who enter their domain, tying and locking them up in dark rooms, slowly brainwashing them with words of domination, despair, dread, corruption and future, and their own corruptive aura. Each made their gang, obedient as trained dogs, growing bigger by the months. These gangs were made to kill their own friends, their family and others, who ever the king or queen saw fit to die and join their master, their lord. It wasn't long till the Police caught wind of the growing gangs within the psychiatric center through investigation of their last deaths of cops within the facility that they passed off as structural failure somewhere because the bodies were not found. The department in the area knew so much better than that, so they investigated over the years, anyone they sent in never came back. They closed down the facility, anyone trying to enter were detained and questioned, locking the Kings and queens in their domain and away from their original homes. However, it mattered not to them for they took it as a challenge and started to send a few out there to attack those at the patrols near by and those who dare come in and sacrificed their souls to the Lord that they come to call The Fallen One. Eventually the police had to up their game and called in the Swat. They all pinpointed the weakest King and raided his buildings, killing them all except the king himself because he was immortal. The king wouldn't go down, no matter how many bullets they embedded into his body or ripped through, he only regenerated and slaughtered a few of the swat members in the raid in his escape, fleeing through the tunnels to move across to the neighboring King.

The local law enforcement took this as a victory and claimed the building. They started to move forward after that, doing raids across the 100 buildings within the King's Domain. One king fell after another, leaving the King of Building 7 who held the tomb of their Lord, The Fallen One. Survivors, including the other kings joined forces once more like before when it first began. The kings all met within the tomb, chatting to each other, trying to figure out as to what they should do due to the fact that action must be taken. So they gathered all of their remaining gang members to surround the tomb itself and waited, leaving the steel door open in the floor, that lead to the tomb, with a path of blood from their victims leading to it. It was a trap, a wait and see. The swat finally broke into Building 7, only to be traumatized by what they saw.. Blood painted the floor and walls, not even the ceiling was left untainted by the red, bones from former victims hung from the ceilings as decorations, clanking against one and another. Skull laid about on the floor against the wall, all lined up. It was satanic, bizarre, however they pressed on till they found the throne room of the King, made entirely out of bone, cement and re bar that stuck up out of the collapsed ceiling like spikes. They were surprised to find the building completely empty with the exception of a lure, a kid in the throne room who was around 10 to 11 years old, so they couldn't possibly shoot. The kid ran and ran till he got to the tomb at the bottom floor in the basement, leading the swat with him. The swat froze at the sight of the blood scraped across towards the door, they could hear the whispers, the voices of the corrupted seeping into their heads, luring them in, calling out to them to join the legion. The leader of the team told one of their own to retrieve the boy and head on out. The swat member scooped him up as told to and retreated back out of the building only to find that the boy had turned to ash to his surprise and turned back. While this happened, the team of swat already jumped down into the tomb of the Fallen One, froze in fear, their hearts clenched by an intangible hand that pulled them closer to them. The legions of gang members surrounded the Fallen one with malicious smile with in the dark room that smelled of death and decay. They couldn't bring themselves to lift their guns to pull the trigger as they become swallowed by his presence, the corruption, and the faces of the Kings that were all torn. The kings and queens themselves started to make their way to the swat and told them to kneel, the corruption surrounding the tomb made them obey, their faces turned to that of something zombified, unable to think for themselves, relying on the master for direction. They performed a ritual, a gruesome ritual, transforming these members of the swat to be apart of their legion, leaving them as decayed as the rest.. The one member that was spared returned to the door, only to be met by his swat team that seemed like they were prepping for a raid on the tomb below, except the king of building 7 made his way behind all of them, and commanded his new members to take hold of the last remaining member of the team, restraining him then made him face the King. The man was startled, unsure as to what was going on, asking multiple times pertaining to what was happening and why. Slaves of the king only did as they were told without question and the man was made to face the king's cold dead gaze. The King smiled and started to speak through his mask "Welcome my child to a new beginning, your new life begins here." He had said as he'd raise the machete out from behind his back and slashed down upon his head as the man screams in absolute fear, butchering his entire head. The king started to retrieve various things off the swat's body, like his Kevlar, his suit, his equipment and made his way to the very top with the radio, taunting the rest of the local enforcement teams "Bring more bodies, more and more so that we may grow and soon take over." Ending with a laugh so malicious, it struck shivers down every spine who heard his laugh. The King moved back down into his throne room, growing further as more and more of them came and their numbers grew, turning building 7 into a fortress, bleeding the local enforcement dry.

To be continued.

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