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Tired of this.....

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I get this on countless forums and I just want honest opinions from people.




In every thread where opinions vary its...


Americans V whoever.


I try not to be bias because most of the time I have none.


Sometimes I give a possibility of another outcome or opinion or whatever, and then the situation gets heated because I disagree and thats forbidden.


What can I ask for...........speak your actual mind without flaming...I guess.???


Also consider other things. Most of the time I don't rule out things completely. I don't have to boldly say that I do support it to not consider it, but if you read my posts carefully I leave hints where I am leaving things open. Unless I have a fixed opinion where I'm stubborn (which leads to flames started by me) then I'm happy to consider things, if others will too.


What am I doing..........opening an arm in peace? I just find it a bit childish when in a football thread people start slagging it off and posting videos of the other football, and like wise when we do the same.


I don't like the flame wars I think these threads can be a nice discussion. Maybe I step it up a notch too far, sorry, but I know its not just me, if you won't admit that then............cool........

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America is the best, and Football is better than soccer. :o

In all seriousness, some people need to learn some self control and know when not to argue, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but people shouldn't go out of their way to make their opinion seem better or put down someone else opinion.


A bad time to argue would be, a thread discussing football, Titled; Football Discussion or your favorite football moments.


A good time to argue would be, a thread titled: America is better then all countries, because we have the military, Soccer is gay and football is amazing.



You gunna buy the new Wolfenstein game. :3

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I get this on countless forums and I just want honest opinions from people.




In every thread where opinions vary its...


Americans V whoever.


I try not to be bias because most of the time I have none.


Sometimes I give a possibility of another outcome or opinion or whatever, and then the situation gets heated because I disagree and thats forbidden.


What can I ask for...........speak your actual mind without flaming...I guess.???


Also consider other things. Most of the time I don't rule out things completely. I don't have to boldly say that I do support it to not consider it, but if you read my posts carefully I leave hints where I am leaving things open. Unless I have a fixed opinion where I'm stubborn (which leads to flames started by me) then I'm happy to consider things, if others will too.


What am I doing..........opening an arm in peace? I just find it a bit childish when in a football thread people start slagging it off and posting videos of the other football, and like wise when we do the same.


I don't like the flame wars I think these threads can be a nice discussion. Maybe I step it up a notch too far, sorry, but I know its not just me, if you won't admit that then............cool........



Well... maybe it isn't common practice in the UK, or those who profess their desire to defect from their country, but some Americans do actually take offense when the country's policies, people, and leaders are mocked on a daily basis. It isn't the same as supporting your favorite soccer (football for the rest) teams to some, it is a bit more serious.

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lol when you make a thread saying "The REAL football thread" and inside you put:


basically post any thing related to real football


*pleases none of that shit you Americans play with your hands*


That thread is instigating an argument....and that's exactly what he got. As for the political side, I could care less because it's the same bullshit every time.

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