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Irony and Sarcasm ???

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Recently I have been seeing a lot of people get in trouble for being ironic or sarcastic (not gonna point any finger at any people), but it is outrageous that people get banned or even warned for being funny. One example that I will be bringing up that is well known and is very controversial is Inveel and Bernard, in my eyes I saw it as false info and rightfully so because it was their second time and why would you post such tragic things on forums??? I feel as if some admins have recently taken it up on themselves for uprooting the origins of fun in SG and MG for a fact has recently been tainted with ironic stale admins who will kick you or warn you for the slightest form of ironic or sarcastic comedy. One such admin even went as far as to call someone out on a major forum post and would spend a portion of time ranting on them instead of giving positive feedback, and the rants were irreverent and were forms of sarcasm BETWEEN 2 PEOPLE AND BOTH OF THEM KNEW THEY WERE JOKING (proof [ATTACH=CONFIG]18566[/ATTACH] ). To be honest gaming, especially pc gaming is a place of freedom, humor and vulgarity and I do agree that some level of vulgarity should be censored (racism), but banning someone for making a meme that was funny is not very "gamer-like." Honestly I am disgusted that gaming is turning more serious, many of my friends and me would play video games to have fun and having that safety net "that I can do whatever I want and there is no harm in calling someone a faggot or a retard ", and it is true to be honest have you ever felt offence if you someone called a retard online, no you brush it off and spurt something more offensive back. I miss admins lashing back at people who would offend them because they would usually show many server member that you shouldn't test them, but now admins hide behind a beta screen of " wowie I can ban you if you say shit about me because to be honest people trust my opinion more than yours". and this action is justified by many members of the "elite". Pc gaming has lost its purpose in my opinion with many of the serious admin. for example if I go right now on JB and call All Ts (for example, this is an example not personally attacking you, just using you as a model) a retard and how he is a shitty admin I will be banned or given a warning. I did nothing wrong in that instance, I just called someone a retard and a shitty admin, but since it is an admin it justifies them, but what makes an admin a better person than a regular because if I call Nesquik (again just using you as a model to prove my point, not personally attacking you) a fucking retard and how he should uninstall because he cannot aim I will not be banned because it is just Nesquik and and he has no admin "elite" power. I bleive that regulars have more power than admins within each other because if you blow off the dust on your old delorean you can travel back in time with me to visit MG back in early 2017 when it was purely regulars. Who was it who brought MG back to life, xd not Karma and Kyle thats for sure, if it was not for regulars (Party, Pastor Nick, Crusty, Haritense, Andrew, Xarix, Typhoon, Me, Papa, Bardock, Nate S, and many others). If the regulars would have left MG would have died, but it was the regulars who at the time never gave up on MG even when Karma and Kyle wouldn't even connect daily to check on the server. Honestly I want to address these problems in the least arrogant and mean way because it may seem like a manifesto where I just shit on admina and SG, but i made this post to try to express a topic that has recently came to discussion within some of the regulars (not naming them because for some admins they are not reputable sources). I am not writing this post solely by myself, other MG regulars contributed with this post and if I get punished or get warned i take full responsibility for this post because I am the one who posted it.

@All Ts and @nesquik I did not mean to use you to humiliate or to offend you, you guys are just models to prove my point through examples

Game On Gamers

BTW I posted this in Off Topic purposely

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@Black Shinobi


I don't think I'm too worried about being humiliated by this post considering a lot of this makes no sense, is completely inaccurate, and operates off of assumptions.


From my perspective given your admin application, near a permanent ban off our community and this post being a glorified tangent about nothing which offers no solution, no specific instances, no actual structure and operates off the basis that people should just stop being offended- you should be humiliated. In other words, this entire post is not constructive at all and is a pretty pure display of immaturity that people attribute to you as a person. This thread is being locked due to it's complete lack of constructiveness, if you have a more specific issue I'm sure it can be entertained through the questions and info, suggestions box, admin complaints or any of the other options you have to deal with an issue. We're not required to answer people's asinine, disrespectful, accusatory comments but since the theme of your post is pretty much that admins are a bunch of oppressive elitists I'll run through your post to try to explain why you're wrong about everything you said.


To start off.


This is all likely posted in response to people criticizing your general behavior after you asked for it both by making an admin application and literally asked for it within the thread itself. I find it extremely of hypocritical that you start your post out saying that you aren't going to point fingers, then at the same time you mention many, many people in this thread in a negative light. If you think I seriously give a flying fuck if someone calls me a retard in a joking manner you're completely wrong, same goes for the majority of our staff team. If someone does care, that's their right to care and tell you to stop. You as players, us as admins have the community given right to be offended and tell someone to stop in a plethora of instances. If an admin doesn't care, as most of the time they don't when it's all jokes then that's fine. It's pretty funny that you say "I just called someone a retard and a shitty admin" and say you didn't do anything wrong- cause it's entirely subjective.


If you can't see why some people would get hurt when they dump time to help the servers then have some ungrateful person shit on them, then I can't really help you. Speaking personally I can't recall more than a couple times that I banned someone for disrespect alone and being a really active regular on Jailbreak believe me when I tell you that I am called and have been called every name in the book. Players and Admins both have an equal playing field here at SG, disrespect is treated just the same. Players that feel disrespected he can make a player complaint, call an admin, contact a higher-up, make an admin complaint among a ton of other avenues we open up to players. Admins who feel disrespected have the discretion to handle it themselves and if the player feels the ban was overboard they can just as easily appeal it. We have rules here, so you can't do whatever you want- if you can't handle that then adios, have fun finding a community that doesn't have nearly identical rules that isn't a complete toxic shithole.


Half of this thread is talking very directly talking about my post on your admin application where you say I didn't give you positive feedback, which is both not true and the little positive feedback I gave you was because there was no positive feedback to give. I'm not going to defend @Kyle and @Karma for x, y, z but if you think you're any better than them sitting on 4 bans, being on the edge of a permanent ban, making these completely asinine posts you're in some other world. I don't always agree with what the other managers do, but at the end of the day I can respect that they are trying whether I like them and whether I like what they do is irrelevant. To again, not defend or put words in anyones mouth the admin you talked about in that screenshot found your comments disrespectful towards the community, I didn't magically get that information and personally I find the comments not ironic whatsoever in the context it was in. I completely agree with him that it was disrespectful. It's completely in character for you to say something like that, that is my opinion- if you want to fall back on it being satire then that's fine, but it's my opinion that leads me to not believe you and that nor should anyone else.

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