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[Myth: BUSTED] December 21st, 2012

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People who believe that the world will end in 2012 are dumbasses.

The Human race is very resilient and it will survive any shit to come in the next thousands of years.


the world might end tomorrow if u believe in god u know that, if u dont then wait thousand years

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Personaly i think it's BS. :001_unsure:




It's interesting that they stopped the calender there, but that myth that the end will world that specific date really does not hold any water. The world can end any day, so that date is just as likely as tomorrow or any other day.

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On December 22, 2012, another middle finger will be added to the collection that already exists against religion. Christianity is just laughable at this point for me. The Mayans believed in human sacrifice to appease the Gods, and we haven't been doing that for quite a long time. You'd think that after all this time they'd let us know that they were pissed... yet nothing has happened, and so I say fuck the Mayans too. Fuck absolutely everything that doesn't have any tangible evidence.


If anything, 2012 will happen only because of religious extremism and not by any act of God or Gods. Religion has killed billions of men, women and children and it will continue to kill billions in the future.

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