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The N word -_-

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Damn I think 50% of all player complaints are because people use the N word. If you use the N word for how long can U get banned / what If 1 of my friend call me a N but I dont mind it, can whe/he/she/it/them use the word then if it doesnt offend people?

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"Nigger", "Nigga", "Niglet"...all variations can be handed up to a week ban. If it's pretty bad, then a perm can be issued, but usually for a first offense it's either 3 days or one week. The "N" word isn't allowed period. We don't care if you're black, white, brown, or purple.

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Even if 2 friends are talking 2 each other? like : Wassup N , going 2 the club 2 nite?


Yes. It isn't allowed period. There's no debate about it, any variation can earn you a ban.


This also includes other racist terms like cracker, beaner, spic, etc.

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Using Spoiler tag due to huge amount of Racist terms, Sorry...



Warning, the spoiler is NSFW






This is from my point of view... If User connects to our server, and types/talks "Hey Niggas, whats up!" is much different from saying "Fuck you Nigg*r.


I would, instand ban someone for insulting another member for using the term Nigg*r, always have, always will.


I wouldn't ban Member for saying "Hey Niggas", as he is using the term to greet the server, thus not as offensive. Don't get me wrong, warning will be issued, and if he uses the term again, I will ban him.


So, to sum it up; Hey Niggas, isn't insualt to anyone, thus shouldn't be banned. Saying "FUCK YOU NIGG*R" should be banned, and possibly permed.



Yet again, this is from my point of view...


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"Nigger", "Nigga", "Niglet"...all variations can be handed up to a week ban. If it's pretty bad, then a perm can be issued, but usually for a first offense it's either 3 days or one week. The "N" word isn't allowed period. We don't care if you're black, white, brown, or purple.


How the fuck are you supposed to get purple?

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How the fuck are you supposed to get purple?


Purple is what color a smurf turns when its being choked.


But seriously, racism is such a hard thing to deal with we rather just not have it at all even if its intention is not malicious. So its always best to just avoid using it.

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