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Ive heard from 2 admins that you have to set the rule as a ct that there are no teleporters aloud but ive also heard from others that its an auto kill even if it doesnt take you to armory, vents or catwalks.

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Teleporters are autokill. I've been playing here since 2007 (when no one knew me at all) and in all that time teles have been autokill. Here's why:


When any order is given, people use teleports in order to rebel, or use it as a shortcut. Now, using it as a shortcut isn't much of a problem, but sometimes, the teleporter can beat a CT to an area. For example, the orders are goto soccer be on the pitch no d/d, and someone takes the tele to garage while a CT is on his/her way to the top of soccer to keep an eye on everyone. If that prisoner uses the teleporter, he/she will beat that ct to soccer, and can take advantage of that.


Know what I'm saying?

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Teleporters are autokill. I've been playing here since 2007 (when no one knew me at all) and in all that time teles have been autokill. Here's why:


When any order is given, people use teleports in order to rebel, or use it as a shortcut. Now, using it as a shortcut isn't much of a problem, but sometimes, the teleporter can beat a CT to an area. For example, the orders are goto soccer be on the pitch no d/d, and someone takes the tele to garage while a CT is on his/her way to the top of soccer to keep an eye on everyone. If that prisoner uses the teleporter, he/she will beat that ct to soccer, and can take advantage of that.


Know what I'm saying?


The CTs can take the TELE aswell, they can only be autokills if they lead to armory. But if the no d&d rule is set then teleporters are autokill. On a freeday the CT would specifically have to say 'no teleports' if certain teleports don't lead to armory.

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Pretty much, vents, armories and catwalks are always autokill territory. Primary weapons are autokill unless the T states they are disposing of it. Pistols are allowed, a CT (if they see it) must ask the prisoner to throw it (unless they start shooting of course).

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Vents and Arm are autokill zones. I also see teles at auto kill. Think about it, your not going to take the tele out of "Ooh look! Something that makes me look like a rebeller even though I'm just going to waste CT time by crouching out of the teleport destination back to where I was meant to go!"


If a T uses a tele, I will say possible places then issue an order to KOS. (Kill on sight)


Our jailbreak server has a lot of "Use your common sense" I wish you guys would start to use it...

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Our jailbreak server has a lot of "Use your common sense" I wish you guys would start to use it...


LOL thats hard for most of the people who are on the server now half the time its full of 9-12 year old kids who dont know how to play and even when you warn/slay/kick they still wont understand.

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