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Random Question of the Day [July 30th, 2014]

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Predetermination, Destiny, Fate.


All pretty much the same thing, that moments or even your life was determined the moment our reality was created.


First to clarify, the question not towards your beliefs. It's more of a situational question.


Look at yourselves and the people you know. Some of you are more fortunate, some less so. But I'm sure all of you each believe that you made you future, you made your own life. My question is: What if you didn't?


What if it was revealed that you weren't in control of your own life, that it was set for you? What would you feel if your wife, girlfriend, love of your life was only so because it was determined to be so? That everyone's life is something like a show or movie with a set script?


Everyone wants to believe they're in charge of their own fate. But if you weren't, would you feel that it undermines your feelings and effort? That if their is a brighter future ahead of us, it will because it was meant to be so, no matter what human effort was put into it?


I know it's a bunch of questions but it's all the same thing. It's a subject that's been on my mind lately, I'm curious as to what you think.

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Well it's kinda hard answering that when I believe that the whole idea of a pre-determined life is extremely nutty, whether it be some magic fate-ish force or some sky man who wrote a book with a bunch of angels and a prophet 2000 years ago.

It seems sorta lazy to me that some people think "oh well, I couldn't do anything eh".


also your sig grosses me out

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All I got to say is, that if it was all indeed predetermined, then whoever planned it is an asshole


I second this! Not saying my entire life is shit, but a couple "important" parts of it doesn't seem to go the way i had hoped!

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All I got to say is, that if it was all indeed predetermined, then whoever planned it is an asshole


I second this! Not saying my entire life is shit, but a couple "important" parts of it doesn't seem to go the way i had hoped!


True enough, everyone feels like that.


Well it's kinda hard answering that when I believe that the whole idea of a pre-determined life is extremely nutty, whether it be some magic fate-ish force or some sky man who wrote a book with a bunch of angels and a prophet 2000 years ago.

It seems sorta lazy to me that some people think "oh well, I couldn't do anything eh".


I'd rewrite my own story, or go full rebel on his ass


Ehh, it's not so much about people using excuses, though those people do annoy me a bit. Nor about any sort of godly figure. If there was a God's hand in this, he'd be only playing his own part according to predetermination. It's more like no matter who you are, what you are, what's happened and what will be, it's just going to plan, whatever it is. If it is the fact, I find it a bit disheartening. No matter what good things or bad things happened to me, I'd like to think I did it for myself.


also your sig grosses me out


Just look at it until it stops!

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God created booty, 2 tell all men even if your day is shit just look at the booty.Unless is in the gym while u trying to run in the treadmill and god puts wet booty infront of you for you to run with a boner then you know he is a dick.All it matters is that no matter what is determined, the booty can save us all ,sometimes.

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God created booty, 2 tell all men even if your day is shit just look at the booty.Unless is in the gym while u trying to run in the treadmill and god puts wet booty infront of you for you to run with a boner then you know he is a dick.All it matters is that no matter what is determined, the booty can save us all ,sometimes.


2bad the booty was taken away from u by Canadian airlines



Anyways, I'd think it's a dick move because some of us get shafted. Some daily, some often, some almost never. But eh I wish it was you (yourself) who could determine everything in life but hey then there'd be a world full of people who have everything they could ever want.


But here's a side question Minus, what if there were people in the future looking back at you, like Desmond and the Animus. (Assassin's Creed for those shitlords who don't know)

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But here's a side question Minus, what if there were people in the future looking back at you, like Desmond and the Animus. (Assassin's Creed for those shitlords who don't know)


Everything done in game is considered what was done in the past. I only played the first two but I don't think they change history or anything. I don't think changing history is possible either, though.

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