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Changing a rule for LRs

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This rule should be added on or changed


LRs are considered to be complete when the prisoner and/or participating CT dies. A T may request to continue his Lr after it is complete, but CTs are not required to honor this request and the T may be killed.”



Rather then having it to where if one of the players in the LR dies, the LR is complete, the rule should be changed to something like, LRs are considered to be complete when the prisoner or guard gets killed by their opponent in the LR



This rule at the bottom in red helps Ts with their last requests but it doesn’t guarantee the Ts to have another shot at an another LR, since all it states is that Ts are allowed to make another Last request if it gets interrupted.


Last Requests must be reasonable, cannot be timed, cannot last the remainder of the round and must be agreed to by a CT. If a prisoner's LR is interrupted, they may request another one.



This change/addition would help with kill hungry CTs and wouldn’t ruin someone’s round if the whole round all they wanted was to play an LR. With these current rules, if another T that wasn’t in the LR were to kill a CT in an LR, then the other CTs would be allowed to kill the T that was in the LR with the CT that got killed since it is considered as a completed LR as the participating CT has died.

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Edited by Takuto
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This change/addition would help with kill hungry CTs and wouldn’t ruin someone’s round if the whole round all they wanted was to play an LR. With these current rules, if another T that wasn’t in the LR were to kill a CT in an LR, then the other CTs would be allowed to kill the T that was in the LR with the CT that got killed since it is considered as a completed as the participating CT has died.


Good catch with this in the current rules. This situation never happens, but if read and pointed out it could be abused.

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most people would consider it interfering with LR rather than it being complete but the rule should be updated for clarification in case some smartass kid comes on forums to skirt around the rules. it should also be included that the LR is over when the participating T kills the participating CT OR the CT dies to the map due to a custom LR (such as colours killing the CT for losing)

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Ideally the plugin should be able to handle this and be in charge of dictating when an LR is completed/aborted, but this plugin is pretty buggy so we'll just leave it until a replacement is added. In the meantime, the JB ATs met and agreed that this situation is actually covered.


When Manny (CT) and I (T) are in a shot for shot and Military_king kills Manny, that is considered to be interrupting the LR even though the LR is complete. Thus, I'm not KOS and I can safely request a new LR.


Let me know if this is what you meant @Takuto.

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