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SG Suggestion Box

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Yo Waddup.


Does the CA meetings nowadays consist of looking at the Suggestions box? It seems like the Suggestions box has just been stocking up on threads for a couple of months now. The last page with an open thread goes up until page 18. Most of the threads are probably server related but there should still be some push from the CAs to get those Answered, Rejected, or Applied. Just from eyeing the threads though, there are a good bunch that are definitely open for discussion in a CA meeting since they revolve around general server topics or the forums.


Thank you.



Ironically, as I was making this thread, the JB team continuing to go hard in the paint :nice:.

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Edited by Manny
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A lot of the threads are server related and those need to be answered by managers. The ATs are being pushed to get these responded to, so that's being resolved. Any other threads that aren't server related usually need to be given an official response by a BD for one of the CAs to close it, so it's understandable that those have been a bit backed up. Any suggestions regarding new servers or new forums related stuff has been put on hold though, so that's the reasoning for those.


I'll get the CAs to make a list of threads that haven't been responded to so that we can start clearing them out.

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A lot of the threads are server related and those need to be answered by managers. The ATs are being pushed to get these responded to, so that's being resolved. Any other threads that aren't server related usually need to be given an official response by a BD for one of the CAs to close it, so it's understandable that those have been a bit backed up. Any suggestions regarding new servers or new forums related stuff has been put on hold though, so that's the reasoning for those.


As I said before, I still think there should be some evident push from CAs to get those server related post answered, but it's great to see those getting pushed. I know that they need an official response but from what I recall we use to bang out 1-2 pages of the suggestions in just one meeting, that includes just bumping ones server related so the managers can be reminded to answer it. It also seems like just waiting for the new forums it's being a meme ever since we started waiting over a year ago. Personally, I believe it'd be a better idea to just continue to implement forum related things until we actually are very close to moving over. We could even use the current forums to see if certain ideas are even useful for the forums, to not waste any time adding them to the new ones.

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