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Possible Administartive Abuse -SG REG VIPER-

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This is my experience today (6pm est Wed Aug 19,2009)


I joined the SG Gamers Prison Break server at peak time, very busy, lot of fun action going on. I had no choice but to be a counter terrorist as there were roughly 15 T's and only 7 CT's, i made number 8 for the CT side.


My very first round ..... I'm not sure of the CT that gave the rules for the hostages but the rules were very very simple and straight forward...

"everyone go to big cage, no detours or delays or you will be killed"....

The cell doors open and the guards and myself watched as everyone entered the big cage...except for one person (sg reg viper). He remained in his cell for more than 25 seconds after orders were given....i fired one shot into him waited rougly 5 seconds and then finished him with a headshot. Not 10 seconds later I was slayed by his administrative powers and immediately gagged (muted). He then proceeded to complain to the entire server about my actions saying things such as "this f**king f***t gonna kill an admin" and "...cant even eat my donut" followed by numerous other completely unneccesary expletives that were way out of line. Unable to defend myself verbally or visually because of the gag/mute i just decided to leave the server than to hear my name bashed upon and cussed at.


This is my entire complaint...understanding I am a newcomer and maybe you dont kill 'admins' b/c its not 'cool' i wasnt aware of this.. If this is infact the protocol for these types of servers I do infact apologize ....regardless the profane language was completely unnecasary.

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He was delaying, and not "like 10 seconds' i clearly stated that he was delaying more than 20 seconds, i fired a warning shot, then slayed him. I'm well aware of the script in place that mutes the dead. I must have missed your name in the player list, were you there as well?

Its ok, the subject seems to be over before it started...I imagine this sort of "issue" takes place quite often with this community. Thank you very much for your intereste in my comments

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that is killing afk if they are in cells.

A delay is when your moving and going a different way.


That's a detour.


Delay is when you're crouching and holding shift at the same time, and you're walking very slow.

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That's a detour.


Delay is when you're crouching and holding shift at the same time, and you're walking very slow.


its a bit of both if your taking a different way.

but ya your right

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