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SteamGamers to be run by SG Veterans !!!!

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Seriously, some people in here don't know what they want.



I hope the changes that were announced yet (Admin system and others) won't be taken back again..

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Paul - Congrats/condolences (depending on the task at hand) Let me know if you need anything.


Amit - Ignore the haters.. you've done well with the site and have put a ton of effort into an impossible task. The task I speak of is - Trying to please everyone is this community.



I like some of the changes, not all of them. But to step back and complain without putting real effort into helping or making things work is bullshit. If you can't honestly say you tried to help and work with the new ownership then quit bitching.

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Amit, thanks for helping us. You showed leadership in a time when there was extreme skepticism and confusion among the community. You helped SG get back on its feet by pushing us forward into VB4, as well as laying the ground for future change. I am not aware of the bullying that was apparently going on, but I hope that you stepped down because you felt it was best, rather than because of bullying. I hope our new leadership will be strong and can continue to service the community.

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I like that paul has president and basically control over the whole operation, but i Don't think you should go and hole yourself up away from the community. Shit got rough last night, and certain people said certain things, but whatever really. It doesn't mean you should back off completely........IDK, if you have time that you can commit to giving a shit about this community, i say you do it in whatever way you can. Wrong decisions happen, but bailing out completely because of one bad decision is really stupid.... You tried your best last night and people were jerks anyways, instead of trying to make a team effort. Take some time or w/e, but just know that adopting a new owner and accepting them doesn't happen overnight, and there will always be people who will hate on you no matter what you do.

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