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Is there any scenario ongoing where Steamgamers will cease to exist? With this I mean, is there something said about this or asked in the CA meeting. (Not that we're doing bad, but forum activity is going down afaik)


Thank you for starting this Q&A btw!


The CA plus meeting isn't for another two weeks (unless they held one after I left). And obviously, if we connot continue to make enough money to keep existing, it will be tough. But we are doing everything we can do to get SG back on it's feet.

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2 kinds of people lol


Any plans for new servers/gamemodes? Or updates on our current ones? :larry:



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Will also probably be getting a Christmas Gungame server again, not sure if it will be for CSGO or CSS though.

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Any plan for advertaising or extent to the other game?


I think once we're 100% on what four servers gonna be the "main" ones SG is focusing on we can make a good marketing plan for them (hopefully as soon as possible). As was mentioned at the meeting the site itself will be getting ads (not really related to your question but a side point lol) as well. Also, if you/anyone has ideas for in or out-of-server recruitment/advertising ideas forward it to any member of the marketing team.

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I think once we're 100% on what four servers gonna be the "main" ones SG is focusing on we can make a good marketing plan for them (hopefully as soon as possible). As was mentioned at the meeting the site itself will be getting ads (not really related to your question but a side point lol) as well. Also, if you/anyone has ideas for in or out-of-server recruitment/advertising ideas forward it to any member of the marketing team.


Who would that be?


And also, will the community get a say/opinion in which servers will be the main ones or just higher ups?


and yeah thanks for making this thread, makes it easier and more efficient than messaging one person and waiting for a reply.


/e merci beaucoup Monsieur prez


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Edited by Spyder
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Who would that be?


And also, will the community get a say/opinion in which servers will be the main ones or just higher ups?


and yeah thanks for making this thread, makes it easier and more efficient than messaging one person and waiting for a reply.



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It's located here. So right now the marketing team is:


  • BlackEagle
  • BoM
  • Bread
  • Extreme Potatoes
  • floffypus
  • Octa
  • SilentGuns
  • Vinyl



edit: For your other question about input for server choices someone else who has more knowledge than me about it will have to answer it. But I would think so!

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What do you Higher-Ups want in SG and how do you think it will look like in 3 years?

Ideally we'll take it away from being so server-reliant. More and more new games do not support dedicated servers, or are not made for a "community". For example, you can own L4D2 servers but due to the "match making" feature of it, no one searches out specific servers or cares for the ones they end up with to the extent of wanting to be part of the community. That's just an example and I'm sure there may be some instances of communities getting a L4D2 server and constantly using it with their own members, but it rarely generates new members.


Taking SG away from server-based, to make it more about the community, will hopefully allow SG to continue to thrive in a way that server-based simply will not unless you already have a monopoly on the population to begin with. An example would be the TF2 scene where there's maybe 3-4 huge communities that have 30+ servers constantly populated with their members, trying to compete with that with no population would be next to impossible without considerable effort. However, if we make our community based around gamers getting together and playing a variety of games, inviting those we meet to join us and hang out with us, we may be able to continue this community for several years, even after games shy more and more away from dedicated servers (Which they seem to be) we will be able to offer a community of gamers for people to join and enjoy.


Hopefully in 3 years we will have continuous events and tournaments hosted in SG's name, people will be streaming for SG and showcasing in a way what our community is about, having fun and playing games together with other gamers around the world.

And also, will the community get a say/opinion in which servers will be the main ones or just higher ups?

For the most part we will start with only the ones that consistently populate without too much effort. BuildRP, TTT, and ZE come to mind. As far as one or two others to keep, that's a bit up for debate. It comes down to what we think we can do with that 4th or 5th server to make it popular enough people will want to keep playing it and populate it from the ground up.


Most likely it will be a CA+ decision for which ones we keep, since we have a bit deeper understanding of what we think we can do with the servers versus a server we may not think is worth investing time into but the community really enjoys right now.

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All this talk about moving towards a community playing games together is fine, but makes me have to ask, how long are we going to keep having servers? Like, more specifically TTT as its the only one I play atm. Like, is the long plan to start with 4 servers and build up with a bigger focus on playing together, and seeing if the servers expand, or to eventually do away with the servers completely?

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Since we're most likely (from what XeNo/MP said in the meeting) moving from a dedi to individual server hosting, it'll probably depend on what happens with popularity in the servers we end up keeping. Not sure of the official plan so anyone AO+ feel free to correct me if wrong but once we get on the track of having the 4 mains, the focus will likely be on those for at least a little while. If it ends up that they're really popular opening another potential server could be in the cards, but it depends on if we want to stick to moving SG towards game-specific community play rather than doing what we've done since 2007 with servers.

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To kind of elaborate here, we will keep the servers as long as it benefits us. If we can maintain a few popular servers for a very long time, the. We will keep them. If it ends up being we completely remove our servers, it will be because every last one no longer has any hope or isn't worth keeping. SG has always been server based, but the way that current games are leaning isn't. So we have to try to make a new side of ourselves if we want to become what we once were. That doesn't mean we will get rid of our servers, though. If they maintain population and we have enough money to keep them, we plan on keeping them for the long run.


Seeing as different higher ups might have slightly different opinions on this, this is just what I have gathered from what has been discussed.

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