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Alright, the game has been out for 3 days for US, and whatever for those silly Europe people.


But, what would you people rate it? I'm giving it a 7out of 10, wasn't ALLLL that great. I'd pick WAR over spore.. but eh.

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spore? you mean that game from bugs to space?? I say idea is awesome but what i have seen on videos it looks pretty kids game. I would buy it if it looked more like at least 15+ aged game

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give it a 9.5/10


if u guys arnt a fan of Will Wright then of course u guys havn't either played The Sims series


its like the Sims execpt RTS and like that


of course,if u played The Sims 1-2(+expansion pack) u guys might wont get wat Will Wright is getting into,i mean i was gonna give it a 10,but for online,well idk if there is online,just been playing Single Player alot :d


but its really good,my suggestion for this game is that

If u like Will Wright u will like it


If you like The Sims series u will like it


I mean his the Legendary Will Wright,the game that brought girls to play,the person that made his games about the environment and people


The Legendary Will Wright is a person that can imagine all kinds of things

Like his previous games,Sim City,The Sims and other more(i can't remember the Titles)


But really i will give it a 9.5/10,good game,nice to enjoy,and if u have imaginable things to create u will love this game,or if ur a fan of his games u will love this game,i personally love the mans imaginable things he has done


Again I give it a 9.5/10,Its a really good masterpiece,even my sister wants to play Spore.


Oh yeah people a 9.5/10 :thumbup:


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Alright, the game has been out for 3 days for US, and whatever for those silly Europe people.


But, what would you people rate it? I'm giving it a 7out of 10, wasn't ALLLL that great. I'd pick WAR over spore.. but eh.


How Dare You!!!! :cursing:



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Yeah, I'm giving it around an 8/10. I've followed this game for about a year and a half and it didn't quite live up to my expectations, but is great none-the-less. If this game came out when I was back in high school, it probably would have been the highlight of my life, but now its just an amusing game that's fun to screw around in if you have an hour or so and are bored. As awesome as the creature creation is, there isn't a whole lot that is innovative to the game, besides the uploading of "DNA" to EA's servers for them to redistribute to other people playing. Think about it:


Cell Stage = Fish eating game (there are dozens of them)

Creature Stage = Simple Sandbox game, some sort of watered down version of GTA/WoW

Tribal/Civilazation = Very simple RTS. Think of any custom battle from Red Alert 2 on easy.

Space = The first somewhat unique part of the game, which I love. I could kidnap animals and carve planets into odd shapes for hours.


Regardless, it's pulled me away from the half dozen other games I normally play and will probably continue to do so for a while, and that's usually the sign of a good game for me. That and the massiveness of the game combined with the fact that other users all over the world are randomly having my creature populate planets in their game is near mind-blowing.

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I give spore 3/10 its was a bit like a preschool game too colour full,got boring very fast.


True, but got to admit, idea playing from bug to space is just awesome. Just get the too much preschool colors off and then i will buy it.

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So in the beginning I thought it was going to be such an amazing game due to the hype, but was such a let down when there were limitations such as the space battles are the same as always. Yeah it was somewhat slow moving, but it did take off alittle bit after the beginning.

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