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Secrets and CT

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So i played a good 3ish hours of PB today and i noticed something every CT do.


70% of the rounds would go like this (99% in jb_moonjail_v1)


30 seconds would pass by and no orders would be given because most CT are trying to go to their secret places.


I mean this is what we've been doing a lot, but some map have secret that take ages to do even when you know how to do it . (Example: Auto room in jb_moonjail_v1)


Is there a rule for this? Because this usually end up becoming a war day.


Don't get me wrong. I still had a blast.


Just a bit concerned.

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Edited by Toyz
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Ct's should be giving orders within those first thirty seconds. Not saying anything and letting the T's do what they want round after round is not allowed. Next time just ask them to do something, and if they don't record and file a player complaint. However, your best bet will come from using the !calladmin command.

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Oh we did that. I believe it was Poke that helped us a lot too!!!


I'm just saying i'm concerned that this is becoming the "Meta". It's not too bad in maps like razor and Lego.

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Oh we did that. I believe it was Poke that helped us a lot too!!!


I'm just saying i'm concerned that this is becoming the "Meta". It's not too bad in maps like razor and Lego.


In my playtime, I've rarely seen a whole CT team flock to secrets and not give orders. I wouldn't worry too much. However, on Moonjail there are a half a dozen or so CT's that run to certain secrets.

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I was on at this time and just about 1/2 of the ct's were going for either nyan cat secret or auto secret. While going for it maybe once or twice is fine, constantly going for it over and over and not helping your team enforce is too much. Thankfully moonjail is pretty much the only map ct's do this. Imo nyan cat secret should be removed, because t's really don't have the opportunity to get it, and it causes half of the ct's to not enforce.

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Imo nyan cat secret should be removed, because t's really don't have the opportunity to get it, and it causes half of the ct's to not enforce.


This also gives a HUGE advantage during LRs, can make 1 CT able to wipe out the entire T team with just a shotgun, and while I was admining JB I had to specifically tell people not to go stay the whole time in nyan cat room.

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This also gives a HUGE advantage during LRs, can make 1 CT able to wipe out the entire T team with just a shotgun, and while I was admining JB I had to specifically tell people not to go stay the whole time in nyan cat room.


Well the secret's more of a high risk-high reward kind of thing. Take the time to get the jumps right, get an OP speed boost. However, I think a limit to T's only wouldn't be bad. This way T's would have an even higher risk, but still get an OP speed boost. This would just be as easy as changing the carrying item to a bomb.

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To be honest, moon jail is the only time I ever encounter this because the map is huge. I wouldn't encourage a player complaint, because you'd be making it on the entire CT team. The only solution I can think to this is just kindly asking the CT to give orders to make sure they're not delaying. While delaying is against the rules, I can't imagine a 10 player complaint just because the CTs are delaying. I think your best bet would be getting an admin on and have them handle it from there.

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