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[Surf DM] Spawn Camping

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New servers come with problems and here’s one, why is spawn camping against the rules? There is no reason for it to be against the rules. The majority of the fighting goes on in spawn so why am I going to be punished for that? You have 5 seconds to leave the spawn and get out safely which is more than enough time to survive. Also, if I’m hopping into people’s spawns, I’m not getting too many kills because I’m going to get gunned down by multiple people. Also, literally every person on this server breaks the rule; admins included. We should change the rule if nobody even plays by it anyways.

Edited by duffy
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You can start of with mentioning the server you're getting to; I assume Surf DM. I believe spawn camping is not conducive to the meta that the server managers are going for here. Additionally, spawn camping can be very discouraging to new players with our RPG system in place. Even if the victim manages to get the first shot off, it is unlikely they will be able to kill the camper. As far as I know, management has some things in the works to balance and remedy this predicament, possibly allowing camping in the future, but it's best that it's against the rules for now in my opinion.

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You can start of with mentioning the server you're getting to; I assume Surf DM. I believe spawn camping is not conducive to the meta that the server managers are going for here. Additionally, spawn camping can be very discouraging to new players with our RPG system in place. Even if the victim manages to get the first shot off, it is unlikely they will be able to kill the camper. As far as I know, management has some things in the works to balance and remedy this predicament, possibly allowing camping in the future, but it's best that it's against the rules for now in my opinion.


I originally put it in the surf dm section so I didn't state it in here, my bad. And what do you mean if the victim manages to get first shot off? You get 5 seconds to A. leave the spawn and get to safety and go surfing or B. you utilize the 5 whole seconds you have and use it to your advantage. There's no protection in your spawn, it's all open area to kill somebody. If I'm in somebody's spawn, I can't just go behind a wall, I'll try and get kills then die fairly quick.

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I'm one of those admins to blame here, i should have familiarized myself with the rules more before actually playing on the server and im sorry for not and noticing too late. On the topic spawn camping i believe that it should be kept due to the fact that as you've seen on the server, it can just make it one sided where one team just constantly kills the other team. Another problem is that players who do spawn camp make it so that everyone just sits at spawn and dont actually explore or play on the map. Also spawn camping kind of ties in with point farming, someone on the opposing team could go afk and you can just go to their spawn and kill them constantly. Lastly with everyone not following the rules, it's still a new server and all the players on the server currently are mostly people in the community who probably never played Surf deathmatch before.

Edited by Takuto
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Thanks to BoTo, we now have a new spawn protection system that actually works. The previous one we had in place only worked sometimes and caused issues. The current system works by protecting you for 7 seconds or if you shoot. While I agree with you on how 5 seconds is more than enough time to leave spawn, I don't want every fight to center around spawn. You can argue against me saying, "Well, the fight is going to be centered around the jail or somewhere else on the map. Why can't we fight in spawn?." Fighting in spawn will discourage new players and will not allow them to have a chance. While it may be fun for everybody else who is level 300+, the poor soul who just joined and is level 6 won't have a fun time fighting in spawn. We were going to remove the spawn camping rule but I have decided that we're going to keep it for the time being. If you're playing on skyscraper or another map that has a teleporter built in that takes you to their spawn it's okay for you to hop on through get a kill or two but if you sit there for 5 minutes repeatedly spawn killing, that is an issue. This might be changed in the future but we have to see how things work out. I hope this answered your question.

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Thanks to BoTo, we now have a new spawn protection system that actually works. The previous one we had in place only worked sometimes and caused issues. The current system works by protecting you for 7 seconds or if you shoot. While I agree with you on how 5 seconds is more than enough time to leave spawn, I don't want every fight to center around spawn. You can argue against me saying, "Well, the fight is going to be centered around the jail or somewhere else on the map. Why can't we fight in spawn?." Fighting in spawn will discourage new players and will not allow them to have a chance. While it may be fun for everybody else who is level 300+, the poor soul who just joined and is level 6 won't have a fun time fighting in spawn. We were going to remove the spawn camping rule but I have decided that we're going to keep it for the time being. If you're playing on skyscraper or another map that has a teleporter built in that takes you to their spawn it's okay for you to hop on through get a kill or two but if you sit there for 5 minutes repeatedly spawn killing, that is an issue. This might be changed in the future but we have to see how things work out. I hope this answered your question.


I definitely agree with spawn camping being a huge issue that narrows the focus of Surf DM and heavily discourages new players from being able to get credits. However, now that spawn protection has been fixed and the player has 7 seconds to dip out, would you agree that spawn camping is likely an issue that would take care of itself as there wouldn't be anyone to spawn kill? Or perhaps we could entertain lengthening that time if there isn't enough time for the player to get away. Personally I think it adds a burden to the admins that could potentially be resolved just by having spawn protection fixed (as it is now), but I don't have much experience with Surf DM or its ecosystem so feel free to disagree :p.

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