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Ba_Jail_Canyondam_GO Elevator

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I've seen some rumors on the server that Ba_Jail_Canyondam_GO's elevator and the upper section of the map are KOS. I find that extremely hard to believe, as there's nothing (currently in this version) but viewpoints and extra rooms up there. I'd just like to squash the rumor, even though I know it's not true. @frankie

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Bumping this. imo going to/giving the order to go to the elevator is not kos, but the act of STARTING the elevator (with people being inside) is a kos order bc the elevator will most likely kill 60-90% of ts inside.

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Bumping this. imo going to/giving the order to go to the elevator is not kos, but the act of STARTING the elevator (with people being inside) is a kos order bc the elevator will most likely kill 60-90% of ts inside.

You have to stand on the box to live, (correct me if I'm wrong).


Reference to ZZL’s post: Also there should be no reason for it to be KOS, there are no secrets/guns up there.

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Edited by Poke
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You have to stand on the box to live, (correct me if I'm wrong). Also there should be no reason for it to be KOS, there are no secrets/guns up there.


Staying on the box (for me) is like 50/50 sometimes i see people live on the box i see people die, if you boost on top of the elevator you will be safe, but if you don't jump off you will also die. For the second part I said turning ON the elevator was kos not the area the elevator leads to is kos, its fine to be up there if you survive.

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Bumping this. imo going to/giving the order to go to the elevator is not kos, but the act of STARTING the elevator (with people being inside) is a kos order bc the elevator will most likely kill 60-90% of ts inside.


Dying inside the elevator is kind of weird for me, I stand in the center and I never die. The newer version of the map may have fixed the elevator bug, but I'm not sure. Regardless, I still don't think the top of the elevator and those areas should be KOS like @Poke said.


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Updated, thanks for the suggestion! Elevator should be patched. Whether the elevator is KOS or not is still being discussed, but ATM it is not.


EDIT: Elevator is still broken on the updated version... we'll work on it. For now it'll stay on the server.

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