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today somone told me that i dont know the rules, i want just say that if YOU STANDING WHILE ORDER WAS TO FREEZE YOU CANT CROUCH. AND IF YOU ARE CROUCHED YOU CANT UNCROUCH UNLESS YOU WAS TOLD TO. in forum>Servers>Steam-Gamers Servers>jailbreak>Jailbreak Rules and FAQ>2nd paragraph "Definitions of common terms:" in line 13 says "• Freezing - When told to freeze you are to stay in the same spot, if you were crouched stay crouching, if you were standing stay standing. You may look around unless told otherwise."

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today somone told me that i dont know the rules' date=' i want just say that if YOU STANDING WHILE ORDER WAS TO FREEZE YOU CANT CROUCH. AND IF YOU ARE CROUCHED YOU CANT UNCROUCH UNLESS YOU WAS TOLD TO. in forum>Servers>Steam-Gamers Servers>jailbreak>Jailbreak Rules and FAQ>2nd paragraph "Definitions of common terms:" in line 13 says "• Freezing - When told to freeze you are to stay in the same spot, if you were crouched stay crouching, if you were standing stay standing. You may look around unless told otherwise."[/quote']


Meggi you don't need to go out of your way to prove to someone you know the rules every single time they get upset at you. You made a different thread before and I told you to ignore these types of people, unless you're actually breaking a rule you won't get punished so don't worry about it.

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I DID untill admin started to saying that im wrong


Which administrator told you that you were wrong? You should tag them to this thread, and sort things out because I'll be damned if an approved server administrator on SG doesn't know that freezing means you can't crouch.


As @TheZZL said in the above post, if you know a rule, you don't need to go out of your way to prove it. If people are complaining, ignore them and move on. Mute them if necessary, or contact an admin. If that admin says you're wrong, sort it out or make a complaint.

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Meggi you don't need to go out of your way to prove to someone you know the rules every single time they get upset at you. You made a different thread before and I told you to ignore these types of people, unless you're actually breaking a rule you won't get punished so don't worry about it.


I DID untill admin started to saying that im wrong.

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I DID untill admin started to saying that im wrong.

Which admin told you that you were wrong? That's an issue lol, report that to the IAs.

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im not sure if i want to


It is your civic duty to report this admin. Whoever it is, they need to be corrected, because it's not a good thing that they're getting stuff this simple wrong.

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im not sure if i want to

It's pretty important that you do, for multiple reasons

Making sure this doesn't happen again

Stopping future slays

and future admin complaints.

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Our admins are not perfect, they can make mistakes. Whenever I play servers like ZE or TTT I spend a lot of my time asking players for clarification on rules so that I don't break them lol. The main concern is how you and the admin communicate, meaning you should make them aware of the mistake they've made and they should check themselves and act accordingly. If you don't think the situation calls for a complaint, you can always just let an IA+ member know about it. Chances are an admin is not going to get demoted for telling you you're wrong about something and it'll be a pretty simple correction.


Thank you for the thread reminding us of the rules, but in the future just try your best to correct whoever it is on the spot, it usually doesn't call for a full thread on the topic.

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