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  1. 1. Add this map to the server?

jb_lost_planet_redux_v1a request

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Map Suggestion

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A huge JB map that features a ton of minigames/deathgames to play:
Treadmill Race
Two Player Race
KZ with LJ room
Antigravity Chamber
Classic Roulette
Melon Roulette
Strafe Race
Glass Break Race
4 Corners
Weapon Secrets:
Scout on top of the box near the discord sign in maincell
P250/Zeus on the biggest box on the second floor of boxes opposite the pool
Scout behind and above Obstacle Course and near the sitting area in maincell
MP9 On the 2nd floor boxes closest to the entrance of Gamehallway A
P250 in Cell #6
3 Spawning AWPs in the watchtower of the game room behind maincell (Above Soccer score sign)
P250 in the shrubery of Gamehall A in-between "Breaking Glasses" and the waterfall
Famas above the Physical Fitness Corner (Use the pegs as parkour to get to it)
1st AWP secret in maincell on an inaccessible catwalk (teleport?)
2nd AWP Secret in maincell in the glassed up plants above Medic (teleport?)
Vents in Cell #12 leading to a room with a Zeus
Vent in Cell #7 leading to medic
Vent in Cell #8 with a glock leading to box room underneath the P250 secret mentioned previously
Vent in Disco Bathroom leading to maincell 2nd floor catwalk
Vent on the second floor connecting Game Hall A and Game Hall B with a P250 inside
Vents above Deathcrate and B5 sign with Galil, HE, Smoke, and Flash (use an invisible ladder to get to it)
Some sort of teleport required to get to Awp Secret above maincell
- Get rid of the three awps above soccer (maybe only make it one)
- Add an armory door
- Broken volleyball (The ball falls to the ground once hit)
- Get rid of the booster pads (S/o @Amazing)
Mostly CT-Only Deathgame buttons
Out of the three armory doors, one of them (side doorway) is CT only
A variety of minigames/deathgames
Many primaries around the map (with some awps that we have no idea how to get to)
S/o @TheZZL ^^ (didn't wanna make people scroll down)
There are no big secrets in the deathgame rooms but the room with pool and soccer contains both the awp watchtower and scout secrets.
A very open map with lots of places to run away, and with an open armory (may need to get nerfed). An open armory encourages CTs to make sure all Ts are present and compensates for the lack of secrets in the deathgame room.
There are also your normal places such as iso, "big cage" (4 corners), pool, soccer, and disco, which features astronomia (COFFIN DANCE) which can be accessed all on one side of the map, along with most of the secrets. Most of the deathgames are featured on the other side of the map.
The map may look very complex in the screenshots at the map link but upon playing it it's a really open map with most, if not all features on the very open main floor, which can be easy or hard to enforce based on how the CTs choose to operate. Can be a very good map for people who don't want to tryhard rebelling and just want to have some fun.
This can be one of our server's game heavy maps similar to chicken island, when people need to calm down on rebelling.
Has an impossible to get to awp secret for @chy to find out how to get to

Screenshots attached

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An older version of this map was rejected 8 months ago in this thread, but upon further inspection this map is a whole lot different and a smaller file size (57 MB).


Weapon Secrets:

Scout on top of the box near the discord sign in maincell

P250/Zeus on the biggest box on the second floor of boxes opposite the pool

Scout behind and above Obstacle Course and near the sitting area in maincell

MP9 On the 2nd floor boxes closest to the entrance of Gamehallway A

P250 in Cell #6

3 Spawning AWPs in the watchtower of the game room behind maincell (Above Soccer score sign)

P250 in the shrubery of Gamehall A in-between "Breaking Glasses" and the waterfall

Famas above the Physical Fitness Corner (Use the pegs as parkour to get to it)

2nd AWP Secret in maincell in the glassed up plants above Medic




Vents in Cell #12 leading to a room with a Zeus

Vent in Cell #7 leading to medic

Vent in Cell #8 with a glock leading to box room underneath the P250 secret mentioned previously

Vent in Disco Bathroom leading to maincell 2nd floor catwalk

Vent on the second floor connecting Game Hall A and Game Hall B with a P250 inside

Vents above Deathcrate and B5 sign with Galil, HE, Smoke, and Flash (use an invisible ladder to get to it)



Some sort of teleport required to get to Awp Secret above maincell




- Get rid of the three awps above soccer

- Add an armory door

- Broken volleyball (The ball falls to the ground once hit)

- The booster pad behind Volleyball is buggy and broken (Needs fixing)



Mostly CT-Only Deathgame buttons

Out of the three armory doors, one of them (side doorway) is CT only

A variety of minigames/deathgames



Personally, I like the map a lot. It's got plenty of things to keep the people busy, and the Prisoners have a good chance at getting away from the Guards. However, due to it being mostly games, there is a chance people don't like it (Similar to Chicken Island). I think the map definitely deserves a shot at being in the map pool.


S/o @Vanya for stealing my post and helping me search the map

S/o @Amazing for helping me search the map

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Ngl this map is actually a super good map after playing it with 10 mins I was addicted and it has the Coffin Dance music in disco :O


EDIT: @TheZZL, @Vanya and I have not been able to find teleport to AWP secret above main cell or another one that ZZL didn't mention was a AWP secret in an enclosed tree which there seems to be no point of entry.



Things to note these should probably fixed

^ this one just kills you no secret there

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