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Random Question of the Day [June 26th, 2017]

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Set an alarm for 7, get up somewhere between 7-8.10

Leave at 8.20, train at 8.28

School at 8.45

Boring day

Get home at 4 (or earlier on some days)

Sit at my computer and do hardly anything

Dinner at like 7

Do more nothing

Sleep anywhere between 11:30 and 2-3?




Non school:



Wake up anywhere between 8am and 3pm, depends when I slept :thinking:

Do nothing


Do more nothing


Do more nothing

Sleep anywhere between 12 and 6am




I should probably do more


play more SG servers

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School day:

Wake up, get ready for school, go to school, come home, watch some YouTube/Netflix, play cs, do any homework, play cs, shower, play cs, fall asleep while watching Netflix, repeat xD

Weekend/summer day:

Same thing but instead of homework and school, replace it with playing cs


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Atm i've been waking up around 2 PM and sleeping around 5-6 AM. Mostly grinding out retakes / chilling on SG servers until open matches whenever they're scheduled. I just stopped tutoring so I'm entering super bum phase.

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Wake up. Watch youtube. Eat lunch. Watch youtube. Play video games. Watch youtube. Eat dinner. Watch youtube. Play more video games. Watch youtube. Sleep. Repeat.


This is literally me except I play more then I watch YouTube lmao.


What a sad life haha

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Nod off to sleep

Ofcourse sleep like shit again

Try to get up

Rise finally at 6 am

Eat breakfast

Shower for 5 minutes

Pee afterwards

Enjoy the nice morning

Catch a ride out to work

Take the bus

Work until 5 pm

Open up my door

Make dinner

Eat dinner

Nod off to sleep


Basically what I'm doing in 2017.

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Deafen my alarm to get a few more minutes of sleep

Ignore my second alarm

Scratch my balls

Rise up at around 8 a.m.

Eat something for Breakfast

Shower after I finish my food

Play with my cat for a little while

Engage in a conversation with some friends

Call my Dad to see how work is going

Tease my cat with some catnip


Walk down the street

Observe the beautiful day

Manage to get back home

Eat something for Dinner

Navigate to my computer and play until 4 a.m.

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go to sleep at 4am

wake up at 10am

turn pc on

check phone while pooping


log on to http://www.steam-gamers.net

think "oh great new posts"

slowly slip into a more depressed state than yesterday as I read quality posts

get on jailbreak

get screamed at by pre-teens for ~30 minutes to an hour

realize nothing I do will cure the cancer, leave.

check who's on teamspeak

*oh great there's that sperglord all t's*

swallow the last bit of self respect I have as I join his channel

slowly descend into madness due to hours of incessant nagging/whining

decide I want lunch, realize its 6pm

food in fridge is gross

come back to pc

more all ts reeeeeeeeeeeing over tendies

put ar-15 in mouth and switch the safety off

realize its not loaded

too lazy to go and get the rounds out of my closet

take ar-15 out of mouth

listen to music as i do my affirmations

all ts is in full retard mode now after drinking more rum than captain jack sparrow

slowly try and distance myself from the channel

load drugs into bong

realize its 3:45 am

lay down in bed trying really hard to forget that i'm a waste of oxygen

drift off into dream of actually being normal



rinse repeat

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