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Free Killers

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The amount of freekilling on the server can be limited by players reporting them, either by typing !calladmin in-game to get an admin online (Not always a guarantee) or by reporting them on the forums (Solid guarantee). On the other hand, if you'd like to attempt to reason with the freekiller (who might just possibly be a newer player) be kind, and advise them to type !rules and familiarize themselves with the rules. If not, you always have those other two options at your disposal (!calladmin and player complaints ).

Edited by TheZZL
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Lately there have been more free killers and people on alts. Is there a way that mods,admins etc can reduce this?


While it might be true a new wave of fkers and straight trolls on alts started appearing as of late there is not much a admin or reg can do. Admins have lives and can't be on jb or ttt 24/7. And the whole "I would be the most active admin because I play jb 24/7" is a lie you cannot guarantee a admin will be on. Deal with it and report it or just wait it out.

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Lately there have been more free killers and people on alts. Is there a way that mods,admins etc can reduce this?

!calladmin or make a player complaint. You can make one here

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Lately there have been more free killers and people on alts. Is there a way that mods,admins etc can reduce this?


This has come up multiple times with people suggesting we take more admins in, create some auto-mod for JB, or give players a votekick function. We already have admin apps open and admins must meet the admin application requirements. The requirements were significantly lowered already, and lowering them further doesn't make any sense. Auto-mod for JB will never happen given the need for context and that every situation is different. Votekick function will never be implemented because of the high potential for abuse.


But even when admins aren't online, as mentioned above you can use !calladmin to try to get one online, make a player complaint, or come on Teamspeak and see if anyone has any time to hop on.


I sympathize with your frustration and I've been there myself, but unless you have some godlike idea that hasn't been considered we're already doing our best. School has started and many admins are busy with their lives. In the meantime there are several avenues where you can deal with this problem yourself without needing an admin online :).

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what does !fk do exactly? i dont think many people know about it but i havent seen any effect from it other than the message in chat that the freekill was reported. @fantastic


That's it. It should be used if you know an admin is online. All it does is put a message in chat for admins that X user reported Y user for freekilling. Players will no longer get punished if they use !calladmin if an admin is online, so you should use !calladmin all the time since you often won't know if there is an admin online or not. !calladmin lets out-of-game admins and in-game admins know about a situation occurring on the server. !fk is limited to in-game only. I will discuss with the team about whether or not !fk should be removed.

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