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Confusing Orders

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I have a clip of a last ct. All of the T's had the order to go through the metal detector over and over. He became the last ct and gave a very confusing order. He said to take a step out of your cell, unstack, crouch, and knife the ground. Most of the T's are already across the map so it did not make much sense. There was a staff member on and when I asked him he just said that the guy gave the order. I was wondering if the order was valid and if it was why. Also, after giving this freeze order, Death God kills people more then 45 seconds after.


"Death god" STEAM_1:0:557326027 (the guy who gave the order)  



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I don't think this order is that unreasonable, people could have begun going back but I also note that you gave us a clip where the round is cut off at the start,. Were in a minute in so it's hard to get a proper gauge of what is going on. There's nothing stopping the Ts from going back to a cell and following the orders given. It's not as if he's killing people who are trying to follow the orders. The people who were attempting to do the orders, but weren't near a cell he didn't even bother shooting so it's clear that he wasn't just all gung-ho about nitpicking people to death. 


You're not really citing any specific rule or why this would be considered unreasonable despite accusing him of freekilling in chat. 

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Edited by All Ts
typed on ph0ne
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47 minutes ago, All Ts said:

You're not really citing any specific rule or why this would be considered unreasonable despite accusing him of freekilling in chat. 

Its a confusing order/unreasonable order and so then it is followed up by enforcing an unreasonable order. Also, half of the Ts are already through the portal. I see where you come from with the go back to your cell order but the actual order was to take a step out of your cell, freeze, crouch, and knife the ground. Therefore, the Ts would have to come back, go in the cell, take a step out of the cell, and do the order. Also, there are some killings after 45 seconds of the freeze order.

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59 minutes ago, 20 scrolls said:

If he did not say freeze

I'm really confused, sorry. He did say freeze and that really isn't the point. I am trying to talk about the going back and taking a step out of cells part when some Ts are through the portal, and others are across the 1st island.

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1 minute ago, Jackson said:

Its a confusing order/unreasonable order and so then it is followed up by enforcing an unreasonable order. Also, half of the Ts are already through the portal. I see where you come from with the go back to your cell order but the actual order was to take a step out of your cell, freeze, crouch, and knife the ground. Therefore, the Ts would have to come back, go in the cell, take a step out of the cell, and do the order. Also, there are some killings after 45 seconds of the freeze order.

If they weren't following the order when it was given, and he is last CT then it is entirely irrelevant whether or not it has been 45 seconds.  

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3 minutes ago, Jackson said:

I'm really confused, sorry. He did say freeze and that really isn't the point. I am trying to talk about the going back and taking a step out of cells part when some Ts are through the portal, and others are across the 1st island.

If they T's are already out of their cells, then they should follow the rest of the order. The CT cannot shoot them for being across the map after that order was given.

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2 hours ago, 20 scrolls said:

If he did not say freeze, the order would be to crouch and knife the ground, as they were already outside their cells and (probably) unstacked.

This is incorrect.


The order, "Take a step out of your cell, freeze, blah blah blah" implies the Prisoners are already inside of their cells, if this is given after the prisoners are outside their cells it is unreasonable as it is confusing because it does not make sense. The Guard would have to either clarify their intentions, or rephrase what they're saying. 


The two orders "Take a step out of your cell, unstack, freeze, actively knife the ground, do my nazi order" and "All Ts unstack, freeze, actively knife the ground, and do this nazi order" are different, as one is general and can be used mostly anywhere, and the other one only works if the prisoners are already in their cells. If you were to give the "Step out of your cell" order anywhere else on the map other than cells, it would be a confusing order, and thus not be a valid one. 


Orders should be Reasonable which means it's straightforward, clear, to the point, easy to understand, not meant to confuse or trick, and gives the Prisoners enough time to follow

So, all in all, that guard was not justified in killing the people moving on first island, but the people on second island were nowhere near the metal detector (Which is what you said the last order was) so they could've been killed.



@Jackson I think again I need to clarify how the 45 second freeze rule works. It does not mean after the 45 seconds you can unfreeze and run around, you will likely die. It means Guards are not permitted to keep you frozen longer than 45 seconds, and they must give a new order. It might not hurt to make that a part of the rule though, but we can leave that discussion for another topic.

^ This is actually just like how using !repeat does not make you exempt from the last order.

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