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Damn. I never really liked the Doc. He seemed too standoffish, and I understand it’s for the show, but that had turned me from him. (1g squad what up)


However, this is awful. The Doc has only been seen one other time (to my knowledge) without the wig and sunglasses, but not only that, and to appear in front of everyone who holds him so high, and admit his mistakes. It’s impressive and shows a willingness to make up. Yes, what he did was wrong. But he didn’t move to hide it.


-rep as someone who’s been cheated on

+rep as a DrDisRespect hater



I hope he will recover.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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As a person; he is complete trash.

Anyone who cheats deserves to lose everything, feel bad for the wife.

However; If they choose to work on their marriage, he needs to stop being the doc.

As a content creator I still love what he does, ill still watch, and like his stuff.

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I felt like him and Trick2g were the straight-up pioneers of this "persona" age streaming that was made for both innovative entertainment and good gameplay. Very few streamers are able to do what they do without constantly coming off corny or as if they're trying too hard.


I think this needs to be also said though, I have very little sympathy for him. He had so much going for him, literally was on top of the world and decided to fuck it all up. Cheating plain and simple is one of the things that I think is most fucking terrible. Cheating when you have a wife and kids is absolutely awful, as someone who has personal experience with it hurting my life it's a thousand times worse. As a streamer I thought he was fantastic, but now I will likely not watch him again- definitely not subscribing to the guy again. I don't see him being able to stream without getting fucked by trolls now, and he's likely going to lose a large portion of his viewers to others.

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The first step to manning up and doing the right thing is admitting your mistakes, though I have to wonder why anyone would choose to make something like this public when you have this much going for you. While some may see it as honorable or whatever, this video (imo) was completely unnecessary, choosing to air your dirty laundry on a platform where public perception and relations are every thing is (once again imo) an absolutely moronic thing to do... I mean why put this out there?? Literally the only good it does is probably some temporary cathartic release for the doc and then that goes away and you're left with a shell of your former career and the same issues you had before the release of this information are still lingering ready to blow up in your face... I hope his wife was okay with letting this go public... I could not imagine having hundereds of thousands of people knowing something as embarrasing as this about my relationship/family dynamic.


There was definitely a better way to go about this (imo) and throwing your family into the internet spotlight would be at the bottom of my list on how to do it.

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Edited by idealist
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You guys say he’s a terrible person but in reality he just cheated he didn’t blow up a school. His professional lifestyle should not he at risk because of personal infidelity. You sayin i like what he does and creates but he cheated on his wife so I’m not going to continue to support his stream is insane.


Also mad respect and props to him the guy you guys say is scum just manned up in a way none of us could dream about. Dudes barely wanna tell their girl they cheated this guy told the internet. He’s not stupid he knows hell get trolled from it when he comes back. i gained respect for him he didn’t have to say that. In fact he didn’t have to stop streaming to focus on his family.

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You guys say he’s a terrible person but in reality he just cheated he didn’t blow up a school. His professional lifestyle should not he at risk because of personal infidelity. You sayin i like what he does and creates but he cheated on his wife so I’m not going to continue to support his stream is insane.


Also mad respect and props to him the guy you guys say is scum just manned up in a way none of us could dream about. Dudes barely wanna tell their girl they cheated this guy told the internet. He’s not stupid he knows hell get trolled from it when he comes back. i gained respect for him he didn’t have to say that. In fact he didn’t have to stop streaming to focus on his family.

"He just cheated"

Until you get cheated on you won't understand.

He put his wife and kid in the spotlight with doing this.

He might of not bombed a school or bunnies but he has ruined two lives with this stupid move.

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He was most likely being blackmailed by someone who had a video of him cheating or any proof of it so he decided to just tell the truth. That is the only reason he would come clean the way he did, any other explanation doesn't make sense because i'm sure hed rather have dealt with it behind closed doors and with his wife alone.


Im not making excuses for what he did but when you blow up the way he did I'm sure that its alot easier to make a mistake when drinking or at a party and getting alot of attention from girls. It seemed like what he did was eating him alive and he seemed genuinely sorry.

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They don't call him two-timing for nothing.


Honestly, I doubt this will change anything for his fanbase, or career. If anything, the break he takes will do more damage than this news.


Never was a huge fan, but he had his moments in character. He's making the right move taking a break to attempt to fix his mistake, but it's going to be a stigma on him for the rest of his career. Broke his families trust with one foolish move.

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Well at least he admits that he did mess up, there are some people who never will admit to themselves that they did something wrong, let alone others. Not saying what he did was right though. I don't really agree with him saying it all publicly, could have just said something about having family issues, but I guess he really wanted to be transparent about it. He also probably figured it would leak out somehow, either via the person, people who know him or his wife (who knows). Cheating is a problem, I do agree and those people need help, but I don't think they are scum of the earth. Not really shocked that someone would chase after someone at the top, bitches love that stuff or vice versa. The video was probably a first step to him actually trying to make things work with his wife, since he is walking/taking time away from streaming. Feel sorry for his wife and hope things work out best for the child.

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