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What holds you back?

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So I've been thinking things over lately, kind of mulling over what and where I would be if I hadn't been held back by things; i.e. people, situations, myself, etc. I know that there is no point in looking into what ifs, so I've been looking at things I can fix. And so I ask, what holds you guys back?

By this I mean is there something keeping you from doing what you want to do, whether it be keeping you from moving on, keeping you from trying new things, keeping you from pursuing dreams or careers.

If you feel like nothing is keeping you from doing what you're doing, what keeps you going?


I only ask because I'm trying to get over what's holding me back which is my anxiety. Just want to see other people think

Also I might post more philosophical things every now and then I dunno

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I used to hold myself with anxiety, like you. High school was tough and near the end, I just didn't see college coming and I kinda panicked - the thought of actually studying, having to do something. Thinking about being stressed got me stressing.


So I moved 800km away for college, without friends or family. It's philosophical, I needed change, variety. Went from a 3k town to a 2m+ city. I'm happy to not have done something different. I hope you figure it out, anxiety really is a fucking disease to have.

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The only thing that stops you from success and your own happiness is yourself. Things can hold back but you can keep on going even if you take half a step forward and your held one step back each time cause your lessening the damage that it can potentially do. Then sooner or later your gonna be taking 1 step forward instead and then later on your gonna take 2 steps forward


and also i like this quote from Elon Musk idk the exact saying but fuck it "If you need inspiring words, you shouldn't do it"


try new things even if its out of this world or your scared to do cause you will never know if you really do enjoy it unless you actually do it

JUST DO IT :kappagif:

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Edited by Takuto
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Pretty much I just hold myself back because I cant get out of the same damn cycle of doing stupid things in life. Ive liked someone for four years and she doesnt want to be with anybody at all, yet I seem to just not let go even if I find someone else that I like and enjoy being with. Essentially the only thing that holds people back is their tendency to fall into habits that they cant break easily, and its up to everyone to really hold themselves to not do something even if its something they just do naturally. Essentially you just need to do something and deal with the consequences of your actions. If you REALLY want something to happen, take the steps to making it happen, and if it doesnt then that sucks but thats life, and youll always have friends and people to be there for you.

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I remember the first time I learned people were retarded chimpanzees.. I started reading a book when I was 11 called the tipping point by Malcom Gladwell.. good book, some anecdotes on psychology, some interesting sociological stats. I was reading In math class, because who needs simple algebra when you can do quantum physics and college level computing when you're 12. A girl asked me what I was reading, so I showed her and her knee jerk reaction was that "oh there's a number in that book with a percent, I can't read it. I went home and did some IQ research and found out that my iq was over 400, and I did the standard deviation math and realized that if the average human's processing power is 93 in this country, and a cockroaches processing power is 25ish, that the average human has a lot more in common with a cockroach than they do with me. Basically, I'm just too smart and amazing to fit in with the rest of society.

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I remember the first time I learned people were retarded chimpanzees.. I started reading a book when I was 11 called the tipping point by Malcom Gladwell.. good book, some anecdotes on psychology, some interesting sociological stats. I was reading In math class, because who needs simple algebra when you can do quantum physics and college level computing when you're 12. A girl asked me what I was reading, so I showed her and her knee jerk reaction was that "oh there's a number in that book with a percent, I can't read it. I went home and did some IQ research and found out that my iq was over 400, and I did the standard deviation math and realized that if the average human's processing power is 93 in this country, and a cockroaches processing power is 25ish, that the average human has a lot more in common with a cockroach than they do with me. Basically, I'm just too smart and amazing to fit in with the rest of society.


I am in possession of an IQ of 431, which has likely increased since the day I took the online test last year. People dismiss me as an asinine baboon due to the fact that I am an otaku who still plays Pokemon. I say they are ignorami. I believe the proper way to assert your ingenuity is to prove yourself right to the idiotic conformists.

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