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Staff Team Competition!

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I was thinking it would be pretty cool if we had some sort of competitive league for the staff teams. So this would be similar to the current SG Open going on now, but instead the teams were devised by their groups. This would mean all the Events Team members on one team, Media Team on another, Modding, Administrative (AT's), and Technical team. I don't know if competitive CS:GO would be the exact thing, but something along those lines where it's competitive, yet enjoyable at the same time for those participating and those watching. This might help with team building and divisional morale, but I wouldn't exactly know. This could end up being a cool annual thing, where the team that wins is crowned the "best staff team" (or something along those lines [but just for fun]).

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When I was BD @Black Rain and I were discussing having the AT team build out servers with new game modes for practice and as a team building exercise. I think with a little tweeking this could be applied as a competition.


Take a few members of each team (minus internal affairs because I don't think this would apply to them) and group them together in teams (for example: 2 ATs 1 ET 1 MT and a couple of CAs) and have them develop and implement a plan to run a test of a new game mode complete with marketing efforts and the whole 9 yards. At the end of however many weeks this takes have the community vote on which was their favorite and then that team gets a reward of some sort.


These teams would preferably be randomized in order to build relationships between members of the staff that might not communicate with each other often so that they can build working relationships and maybe more.

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Edited by idealist
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We have talked about this, and real talk, this event probably won't happen. We don't know exactly how many people on the teams/staff here play scrim or anything competitive. You also have to count for how many people will even show up for the event, which will probably not be a lot of people because everyone has their own irl things they need to attend to first before doing an event like this. Regardless thanks for the suggestion!

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Edited by Strayyz
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