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Just wanted to let any frequent Discord users know that Discordgg ga, a virus site, is planning something on July 27th. It might be a big thing or it might just be some hyping shit up to make themselves look big, but just be wary of any phishing links or scams that day (not that all of you will somehow fall for any of that). Enable any two-factor authenticators if you haven't and stay safe.

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Why they would tell everyone when they know discord can prevent this easily. Im just not gonna log on discord that day. I dont wanna die.

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I feel like it is a ddos threat maybe, or maybe they have creds of many accounts that fell for their trickery and on the 27th that is when they are gonna delete some servers and fully take control of peoples accounts.

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@Fonzi There was speculation that they're (the virus site) using a mass phishing site to try and bait people out of their account details through sketchy emails that are made up to look like they are coming from an official Discord site. People were also saying that they've done something similar before, but I haven't read up on that.


@Soul These kinds of groups often reveal the exact date of when they're gonna hit a site/person just for the infamy, but knowing that Discord has history with them I don't see why people shouldn't prepare themselves for the worst.



Just make sure you're protecting yourself out there. Don't make dumb mistakes and you should be fine.

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Discord user here... New to community BTW.


I think we should always be prepared. Not just on July 27.


My thoughts about this: If you're gonna announce your attack, might as well announce the wrong date right? So nothing happens on July 27, but maybe before that, before people are ready. Or after, when people have let their guard down.


2FA Enabled... :ninja:

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Carful gamers that time is very soon i would log off for a day or somethin




But seriously, I think as long as you're not in a shady server and don't click on ANY links in the next week you should be fine. Use teamspeak :amuse:

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Thanks frost. I’ve made my precautions needed to not get a virus. I suggest everyone does the same.

Stay safe steam gamers.

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